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The first ultrasonic toothbrush and other pet care equipment for animals!

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The first ultrasonic toothbrush and other pet care equipment for animals!

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The first ultrasonic toothbrush for animals!

Health begins in the mouth

This is true not only for humans, but also for animals. If teeth and gums are well cared for and robust, the four-legged friend can bite strongly into old age and enjoy it.

The ultrasonic toothbrush from emmi-pet helps you to support your dog in dental care. Because regular tooth brushing is the most effective measure to keep mouth and teeth healthy - also for four-legged friends. Our emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush cleans even the narrowest interdental spaces without noise and scrubbing, so that your pet quickly gets used to the new routine with regular use.

Freisteller der emmi-pet Ultraschall-Zahnbürste. Die Bürste hat einen runden, dunkelgrünen Griff. In dessen unteren Bereich befindet sich das emmi-pet Logo: Umrahmt durch eine silber-reflektierende Linie ist eine ovale, dunkelgrüne Fläche zu sehen, auf der sich in weißer Schrift der Schriftzug 'emmi-pet' befindet. Über dem Logo sind Knöpfe zum Bedienen der Bürste in weißem Material eingelassen. Eine Leuchte leuchtet stark blendend hellgrün. Über dem Griff ist der Weiße Bürstenkopf mit wiederum hellgrünen Borsten.

Why regular teeth cleaning is just as important for your pet as it is for us humans, we explain here


The advantages of the emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush

Patented brush head with 100% ultrasound

Unlike electric brush models, our patented ultrasonic toothbrush easily reaches even the narrowest interdental spaces, ensuring optimal cleaning for your pet's teeth and gums.

Gentle & silent deep cleaning

With the emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush, plaque and bacteria are gently removed even from the narrowest interdental spaces without scrubbing and noise. Your dog will be happy to put up with that. And it also means: bye-bye bad breath!

Reduces inflammation & secondary diseases

With the regular use of the emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush you can prevent tartar, gingivitis and secondary diseases in your pet. And a healthy oral flora can even prolong the life of the animal.

No risk of anesthesia for the darling

With a regular application you save your darling and you the nerve-racking, expensive dental cleaning, as well as possible anesthesia and dental surgery.

One device, double benefit

Depending on the attachment, our device is ultra suitable for dental and coat care. With the emmi-pet Care attachments, the healing process is supported on various complaints such as inflammations or tick bites.

Why regular teeth cleaning is just as important for your pet as it is for us humans, we explain here


This is how ultrasonic tooth cleaning with the emmi-pet works!



For which dogs is the ultrasonic toothbrush from emmi-pet suitable?

The emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush is suitable for dogs of all ages and breeds. Whether small or large, young or old, thanks to two different brush heads, it adapts to any dog bite.

From what age can I use emmi-pet?

We recommend using the emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush already for cleaning teeth during the the change of teeth, i.e. even for very young animals. This is especially useful for young dogs, as they often suffer from pain and the gums are easily inflamed during the change. The ultrasonic toothbrush can relieve pain and thus facilitate the change of teeth of the animal. In addition, the dog can be accustomed to the emmi-pet brush at a young age. This also combats the formation of tartar from the beginning.

Does the emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush attack my dog's tooth structure?

The tooth structure of the animal is in no way attacked by the gentle ultrasonic toothbrush. On the contrary, gentle cleaning prevents bacteria from settling in the gums. In this way, the emmi®-pet toothbrush helps to prevent painful gingivitis.

Why is the use of emmi-pet recommended in addition to professional tartar removal at the vet?

Regular use of the emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush combats the causes of tartar and reduces the risk of new tartar infestation by, dissolving plaque. This prevents painful inflammation of the gums and existing inflammation heals through the use of the ultrasonic toothbrush. Through regular dental care, the dog's gums are strengthened and remain healthy.

How often should the emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush be used (daily, weekly, monthly)?

The frequency of use of emmi-pet to remove plaque depends on the condition of the dog's gums and teeth  .When using the ultrasonic toothbrush daily, only parts of the dog's dentition can also be scaled, because tartar forms particularly quickly on the fangs. In case of weekly treatment, we recommend cleaning the complete dentition. The frequency of application also depends on the breed. Thus, the teeth of smaller dog breeds generally need to be cleaned more frequently. The focus should be on the individual problem areas such as the incisors or molars.

How do I get my dog used to using emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrushes?

In principle, the habituation   is simple, because the emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush for animals is completely silent and does not vibrate. With a little practice and enough play sessions, tooth cleaning and care via positive conditioning works quickly and well for most dogs. However, you should have time and patience for your four-legged friend at the beginning. If dental care does not work out as hoped, this is often due to the fact that the animal has already developed painful periodontitis and touching the gums triggers pain. In this case, the attending veterinarian should be consulted.

During use, the emmi-pet pet toothbrush is placed on a tooth for six seconds before the position is changed. Our four-legged friends quickly get used to the process and even notice that it is good for them. This is the ideal dental care for the dog: painless and without anesthesia.

Should the emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush be used daily as prophylaxis or can the toothbrush also be used to remove existing tartar?

The ultrasonic brush can be used daily without further ado. Ultimately, the use depends on the dog and the condition of its dentition. As a rule, smaller dog breeds have a much higher risk of tartar than larger ones and therefore require particularly intensive care. We advocate using the emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush regularly as a prophylaxis to prevent the formation of plaque and keep your dog's teeth healthy, not only when tartar has become dangerous for the animal.

What diseases can be prevented by regular use of the emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush?

Often diseases of the periodontium (gingivitis, periodontitis) arise from bacteria in the saliva of the dog. Regular removal of plaque with the emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush significantly reduces the risk of tartar, gingivitis and other diseases in the mouth. However, there are animals that nevertheless accumulate tartar very quickly and develop periodontitis due to their genetic predisposition. Therefore, in case of questions concerning the removal of tartar, we recommend consultation with the attending veterinarian.

Is the emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush also recommended by veterinarians?

The emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush is recommended by many veterinarians and used for prophylactic measures as well as prevention. Even in dogs with severe gingivitis, which must be placed under anesthesia, the use of the emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush is often part of the primary treatment.  The ultrasonic treatment reduces the bacteria that are responsible for the painful inflammations. Likewise, the gentle dog toothbrush can help regenerate the inflamed gums.

The use of ultrasonic toothbrush is considered to be gentle and effective. Therefore, experts are happy to give emmi-pet to dog owners for dental care to save their pets from toothache and unnecessary anesthesia.

However, the use of the ultrasonic toothbrush does not replace a visit to the vet. Dental diseases should be treated professionally, so that your dog is pain-free and nothing stands in the way of cleaning his teeth with an emmi-pet dog toothbrush. We recommend our emmi-pet for prophylaxis or prevention.