
3 things pet insurance covers that will surprise you!

3 Dinge, die eine Haustierversicherung abdeckt, die dich überraschen!

Before you adopt a dog or a cat, you should consider the costs of keeping one. Not only do food and care incur monthly costs, but potential health problems can also quickly add up to horrendous sums. In today's blog post, we'll explain how best to prepare for this and which treatments pet insurance covers that might surprise you.

Not only emergencies can cause horrendous costs

If your dog or cat has had an accident and needs veterinary or even clinical care, high costs can quickly arise. Depending on the illness, a hospital stay of several days can cost up to 3,500 euros. Depending on the illness and its severity, the costs can add up to a much higher sum. This does not include external laboratory tests and medications that are needed for professional wound care and aftercare, for example.

As you can see, an unexpected visit to the vet can quickly become very expensive if you are not prepared.

3 Surprising Benefits Covered by Many Pet Insurance Policies

Did you know that pet insurance coverage can go beyond everyday health issues and injuries? There are some surprising benefits that individual pet insurers will cover. These benefits are often available as add-ons or included in more expensive packages.

Learn about 3 benefits that pet insurance can cover when you choose the right plan:

  • Alternative Medicine
  • dental treatments
  • treatment of mental health problems

Alternative Medicine

Most people take out pet insurance to cover emergencies and accidents. Very few dog and cat owners know that services such as acupuncture, chiropractic or hydrotherapy are also covered by some insurers or can be insured additionally.

Alternative therapies in particular are becoming an increasingly common part of the treatment of chronic illnesses. Most pet insurers even cover the costs of alternative therapies with their own tariff. But be careful, because the cost coverage is often linked to certain illnesses. It is not uncommon for breed-specific illnesses to be excluded from treatment.

Especially valuable applications of alternative medicine such as acupuncture can help to relieve pain and other problems associated with diseases of the musculoskeletal system such as

  • Arthritis,
  • hip dysplasia or
  • other diseases that limit the freedom of movement of an animal,

to alleviate.

dental treatments and dental prophylaxis

The costs of routine dental cleaning, dental prophylaxis and other urgent dental treatments can be reimbursed under a special insurance policy for your pet. Now you may be thinking: Why is this important?

Well, unlike us humans, dental cleaning or treatment for your pet almost always requires anesthesia, which increases the price many times over.

For example, the cost of dental cleaning for a young and healthy dog can be up to 1,000 euros. For older dogs with more serious dental problems, the cost can be even higher. For cats, the cost of professional dental cleaning can be lower, but can still amount to several hundred euros.

Pet insurance can certainly make sense from this point of view. However, regular dental care with our emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush for pets. It is the best way to prevent dental problems.

treatment of mental health problems

Some pet insurance policies offer additional coverage for behavioral disorders. This means that the insurance will cover certain therapies or treatments recommended by a veterinarian. This may include therapy sessions, but also prescription medications or special training to treat mental illnesses such as phobias and separation anxiety.

We recommend that you compare several pet insurance policies to find out which one best suits you and your pet and best meets your needs.

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