As soon as your dog is alone in the house, things go crazy, but when you are with him, everything works out great. This behavior can not only get on your nerves, but also reduce your concentration and even lead to a guilty conscience. In today's blog post, we have 5 valuable tips for you, how you It is best to get your dog used to being alone can.
Your dog is the pack animal!
Dogs are pack animals. They don't like being alone. I'm sure your dog feels the same way. And especially in the first few months, being left alone can be very worrying for you too. For your dog, this can Being alone can also lead to stressPatience and tolerance are a very good guide in addition to our 5 tips.
Practice being alone and get your dog used to it
In the training your dog Time plays a big role. Especially if you want to teach your four-legged friend to stay home alone, patience and tolerance are the most important factors. To teach your four-legged friend to get used to being alone on a regular basis, you should start practicing as early as possible. Ideally, you should plan a longer vacation to practice your teaching your dog to be alonePuppies in particular find it very difficult to cope when they move in on a Friday and are "abandoned" again on a Monday. If you are unable to plan a longer vacation, you should arrange for "substitute training."
The first training session It is best to start by leaving your dog alone in the room for a few minutes. Close the door from time to time. If you have completed this exercise several times without any unwanted incidents, make sure that you do the same exercise with your jacket and shoes on. Now don't just leave the room, but leave the apartment or house in a clearly visible place. Start with close intervals and extend them depending on the learning success. With the initially very short intervals, your dog has no time to develop stress. With each training session, you can leave your apartment or house for a longer period of time. At the end, you should be able to go for a short walk, without causing stress to your dogbecause you weren't there.
But never leave your four-legged friend alone for too long. Dogs are pack animals and can up to 4 maximum 6 hours without supervisionAnything beyond this time should be covered by a dog sitter.
Leave the house calmly and come home relaxed
Avoid theatrical farewell ceremonies and also avoid excessive greeting ceremonies. Act completely normally and do not attach any importance to your absence. When you return home, ignoring them is the best option for the first few minutes. Take your time to take off your jacket and shoes, put away the shopping and let your four-legged friend know that this situation is completely normal If you act the opposite, it can lead to your dog getting unnecessarily upset and reacting with stress the next time you have to leave the house. Of course, your dog will greet you when you return. Ideally, you will stay here too relaxed and calm.
Ignore howling and barking after leaving the house
As soon as you close the door, your four-legged friend starts barking or howling at the top of his lungs? Do yourself a favor and don't react. Only go back when your dog stopped barking During the training phase, you should plan several sessions. Always wait for the moment when your dog takes a break. Enter your apartment completely naturally and signal to your dog that it is is not a problem at allwhen you leave the house for a short time.
A long walk makes you tired!
If you have to leave your dog alone at home for a longer period of time, then go for a long walk with him beforehand. Exhaustion makes you tired! Generally, dogs sleep a lot when they are alone at home. If you exhaust him beforehand, he will not only doze faster, but also deeper and longer. If he sleeps soundly, he can also not to play tricks.
Limit the space available to your dog!
Many pets find it easier to spatial limitation being alone. Choose a room or place where your dog feels comfortable. The Limiting the range of motion relaxes your dogPatience promotes a relaxed coexistence.
We wish you good succeed!