
6 expert brushing tips for healthy teeth and gums in your dog

6 Experten-Putz-Tipps für gesunde Zähne und gesundes Zahnfleisch bei deinem Hund

Did you know that an estimated 8 out of 10 dogs suffer from gum disease by the age of three, which can lead to tooth loss? Pet teeth have a lot to do, because dogs in particular use their mouths not only to eat, but also to explore, play and taste their surroundings. If you don't take care of your dog's teeth properly, problems can quickly arise. In today's blog post, we have put together 6 expert brushing tips for you so that you can keep your dog's teeth and gums healthy.

6 tips for brushing your teeth properly and maintaining dental health.

Admittedly, most dogs don't like dental care. The easiest way to get your dog used to you touching his mouth is to start by gently stroking his gums with a soft cloth.

Tip 1. Step-by-step approach

In the second step, use a brush every now and then. First, you can use a brush that fits on your finger or, of course, the brush attachment of our emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrushThis gives your dog the opportunity to get used to the feeling in his mouth.

Tip 2. Patience pays off

Regular dental care and oral hygiene is the best way to keep your pet's teeth clean and healthy. Be patient and slowly get your pet used to brushing. When your dog is ready, use a suitable dog toothbrush like our emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrushto optimize dental care.

Tip 3. Dental care toys for young dogs

Dental care for your dog is important. This supports his health and improves his quality of life. Young dogs in particular like chew toys. There are even special toys that are designed specifically for cleaning teeth. If you don't want to brush every day, you can also buy toys that are designed to clean your dog's teeth while chewing.

Tip 4. Treats for brushing teeth

Reward your dog with a treat after each brushing session. This will ensure that you develop some sort of routine together.

Tip 5. Choose a tasty toothpaste

Make sure you use a special dog toothpaste, such as our special toothpaste for ultrasonic toothbrushes. Never use a human toothpaste that is toxic to dogs.

Tip 6. Regular dental check-ups by your veterinarian

Regular vet visits not only allow your vet to keep an eye on your dog's oral health, but also ensure that your four-legged friend's teeth are healthy. If you are concerned about your dog's teeth, visit your vet and talk to him.

If you follow our 6 valuable tips and keep an eye on your dog's dental care, you should be spared the typical tooth and gum diseases.

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