
Preventing and properly treating osteoarthritis in cats

Arthrose bei Katzen vorbeugen und richtig behandeln

osteoarthritis is one of the typical diseases of old ageOsteoarthritis is a joint disease which degenerative, i.e. irreversible. In most cases, osteoarthritis manifests itself through pain, but also through limitations in your cat's behavior.

Although osteoarthritis in cats does not necessarily lead to lameness symptoms leads, the freedom of movement be significantly restricted. Around 90 percent of all cats are affected by arthritis from the age of 12.

As with dogs, osteoarthritis is not curable in cats. However, with the right treatment, the slow down the progression of the disease. This can improve your cat's quality of life. How to with osteoarthritis can and how you can Effectively prevent osteoarthritis in your cat We will explain to you in today's blog post how you can do this.

The causes of osteoarthritis in your cat

Osteoarthritis in cats often affects older cats. In most cases, Osteoarthritis in cats is caused by the loss of elasticity of the articular cartilageIn young cats, osteoarthritis often has mechanical causes. These include, for example:

  • falls from great heights
  • Strains
  • bruises and
  • overweight

Whenever articular cartilage are overused or impaired, always then Osteoarthritis good chances of In cats, damaged cartilage is repaired by new bone material Therefore, it is possible that the newly formed bone material directly in grows into the gap of the joint. The rough surface creates friction, which which in turn causes the remaining cartilage to become rough.

Is your cat suffering from arthritis, is the lubrication of the entire joint apparatus Pain and restricted mobility are the result of arthritis in your cat.

Recognizing osteoarthritis in your cat and correctly interpreting the first signs

In addition to typical lameness, osteoarthritis in cats leads to significant limitations in the smooth movementsInitially, your cat will try to conceal or compensate for these limitations. This is in line with their natural nature.

Clear signals and symptoms that indicate joint arthrosis in your cat speak are:

  • Stumpy movements (lack of flexibility)
  • reluctance to play
  • Avoiding jumps
  • Less cleaning, as every movement causes pain
  • constipation
  • Incontinence

Treating and preventing osteoarthritis in cats

To your cat targeted at osteoarthritis To be able to treat your pet, it is important that you first have the correct diagnosis made by your veterinarian. Take a joint disease So don’t take it lightly in your cat. Once the diagnosis is made, the disease can often be treated with pain therapy and long-term treatment slow down. This way you can maintain your cat's quality of life very well. outpatient treatment options for your cat:

  • medications for pain relief
  • weight reduction for overweight people

To the surgical treatment options for your cat:

  • Arthrodesis to stiffen the affected joint (no pain)
  • smoothing of bone growths
  • insertion of an artificial hip joint

Depending on the severity of the disease, you should consider the treatment options coordinate carefully with your veterinarian.

To one osteoarthritis To prevent this from happening to your cat, pay attention to the weight of your cat. Arthritis in older cats is almost impossible to avoid. You can help your cat by making specific changes in your immediate environment. These include, for example:

  • Larger cat flap
  • ramp for stairs and sofa
  • Food and drinking places easily accessible
  • feeding nutritional supplements

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