CBD oil for dogs is currently a popular and hotly debated topic. The active ingredient cannabidiol (CBD) is extracted from the hemp plant. It is the non-psychogenic part of the cannabis plant. without psychoactive effects Healthy dogs can also benefit from CBD oil and find greater general well-being. Cannabinoids can also be a great support for sickly four-legged friends. The range of applications for dogs ranges from sporadic use for mild complaints to long-term use for persistent complaints. Even with mental illnesses, dog owners can benefit from CBD oil for dogs benefit. As the How CBD oil works and in which cases the supportive dose can be beneficial, we explain in today's blog post.
Why CBD oil for dogs?
In addition to conventional medicine, traditional home remedies are increasingly being used to relieve physical complaints and support the healing process in dogs. The most important thing to note is that the administration of Cannabidiol (CBD) for dogs is considered safe and will not harm your dog’s body. cannabidiol (CBD) can even be suitable for preventive use. To better understand CBD and its spectrum of effects, you need to know that it should not be seen as a replacement for a visit to the vet. Rather, cannabidiol should be seen as a smart supplement. CBD can support the healing process in addition to your dog’s veterinary treatment, because it is incredibly versatile. Typical uses of CBD for dogs include:
- fear, panic or inner restlessness
- Chronic pain
- Chronic inflammation
- sleep disorders
- loss of appetite
- indigestion
- skin problems
Even if the Application of CBD oil in dogs wide range, you should not expect miracles. CBD oil is neither a miracle cure nor a panacea. If your four-legged friend is regularly given medication, you should Be sure to discuss CBD drops with your veterinarian beforehand.
How does CBD oil work for dogs?
At Cannabidiol is the non-psychoactive ingredient extracted from the hemp plant. Not to be confused with the psychoactive ingredient of the cannabis plant tetrahydrocannabinol, which is also known as THC in short. The proportion of THC in CBD products must not exceed the legally prescribed limit of 0.2%. This requirement excludes an intoxicating effect. Unlike THC, CBD has been shown to have a very special effect in the body of mammals.
Did you know that researchers have given the human body and the bodies of mammals a body's own cannabinoid system This leads to CBD is incredibly well absorbed in the body of mammals It produces and processes so-called endocannabinoids itself. The exact mode of action has not yet been fully researched. What is known so far, however, is that CB1 and CB2 receptors have been detected at different locations in the bodies of mammals.
Cannabinoids, which are produced by the body itself, have a regulatory function. They regulate the overactivity of neurotransmitters and ensure a balanced ratio. If serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine levels are disturbed, they can be balanced via the central nervous system. Even though research in this area is still in its early stages, it is clear that The body’s own cannabidiol can regulate important bodily functions. Mood swings, pain perception, immune system and inflammatory reactions are among the body functions that can be regulated by cannabidiol.
Since in mammalian bodies have their own cannabinoid system could be proven, it is of course close to the body also from “outside” cannabinoid in the form of CBD oil or CBD drops This can dock onto the existing receptors and exert its effect.
How can CBD oil help dogs?
Due to the known, versatile and consistently positive effects of cannabidiol, CBD oil is a good and comprehensive support for your dog CBD oil can be particularly helpful in cases of stress caused by the signs of aging. But CBD oil can also be used to strengthen the immune system or to improve well-being in dogs. Unfortunately, the current state of meaningful studies is still in its infancy. Nevertheless, there is already much to suggest that CBD can not only alleviate symptoms, but can also occasionally be able to combat causes.