
Dental care for cats: The right cat toothpaste

Zahnpflege bei Katzen: Die richtige Katzenzahnpasta

When it comes to dental hygiene, there are hardly any differences between cats and humans. Just like us, our beloved house cats also leave food residue on or between their teeth after a meal. This results in bacteria settling in the mouth and causing dental problems. The spectrum ranges from bad breath to the formation of tartar and even tooth loss. It is all the more important to provide your pet with cat toothpaste and toothbrush brush your teeth regularlyYou will achieve optimal results with the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush and the corresponding ultrasonic toothpaste.

Why should you brush cats' teeth?

While dogs only start to suffer from dental problems when they are older, cats are often affected by the problem even when they are young. And as cats get older, the risk of developing tartar increases. Healthy teeth are an important prerequisite for the animal to feel comfortable all around. Diseases of the oral cavity are one of the most common reasons for cats to visit the vet. If food residues are not removed with a toothbrush and toothpaste after a meal, plaque quickly formsIn combination with saliva, the plaque hardens into tartar. The result is gum inflammation, which causes great pain for cats and humans alike, and can even lead to tooth loss. But problems with the heart and kidneys, which have no obvious connection with the cat's teeth, can also be caused by tartar: the bacteria can spread throughout the body via the blood and damage vital organs. Another danger to the dental health of cats comes from feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions - FORL for short. If a cat suffers from this disease, also known as cat caries, the tooth substance gradually begins to dissolve. Although FORL is the most common dental disease in cats, its causes are not yet fully understood.

How do dental problems manifest themselves in cats?

But how do you as a pet owner know that your cat is suffering from dental problems? Of course, the animal cannot communicate that it has a toothache. However, there are some symptoms that indicate dental diseases in cats:

  • bad breath
  • Plaque: Yellowish-white deposits have formed on the teeth
  • increased salivation, which may also contain blood, and drooling
  • head shaking
  • Pain, so that the cat refuses to eat

Optimal dental care for cats with ultrasound

Dental care for cats is necessary, but in practice it is often difficult. Many house cats are very reluctant to brush their teeth with a toothbrush. The emmi®-pet offers a solution, which works on the basis of patented ultrasound technology. This makes the ultrasonic toothbrush superior to conventional brushes in terms of both results and handling. The emmi®-pet uses a new micro-cleaning process that cleans cats' teeth particularly thoroughly and gently. The brush head of the ultrasonic toothbrush generates up to 96 million vibrations per minute, which are so tiny that they reach even the smallest gaps and remove various types of dirt. The toothbrush works in conjunction with with the cat toothpaste specially developed by emmi®-pet completely movement- and noise-free. The ultrasonic toothbrush eliminates the laborious scrubbing required with conventional toothbrushes. In addition, the emmi®-pet does not produce any noise that could frighten the animal. This makes caring for your pet's teeth child's play with the ultrasonic toothbrush and the corresponding cat toothpaste.

When should you start dental care for cats?

To prevent your cat from developing plaque and tartar, The most effective way to take care of your pet’s dental hygiene is with the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush, the attachment of which is optimally adapted to cat teeth. The ultrasonic toothpaste that emmi®-pet offers for cats is also geared towards the special needs of the animals. Because tartar occurs even in very young cats, you should start dental care relatively early. It is also easier at this age to get the cat used to regular brushing. It is best to introduce the kitten to the brushing routine in a playful and very slow way. First start by gently running your fingers over your cat's lips, only then should you try to stroke the animal's teeth and gums. If the cat does not resist, you can now gradually move on to the emmi®-pet grab. You should only use the ultrasonic toothbrush itself once your four-legged friend has become accustomed to the ultrasonic toothpaste from emmi®-pet. You can also hold the toothbrush to the animal's fur to show it that the emmi®-pet poses no danger. Older animals should also be introduced to tooth brushing with gentle training.

Brushing your teeth with the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush and cat toothpaste

But how do you brush a cat with an ultrasonic toothbrush and toothpaste after the acclimatization period? Apply the cat toothpaste from emmi®-pet onto the brush. Then hold the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush to your pet's teeth. No scrubbing is required. It is best to start with the molars - experience has shown that cats tolerate this the most. Make sure that you also remove food residue from the gum line so that no plaque can form there. Because the ultrasound can penetrate up to 12 millimeters deep into the gums, you can achieve the best results with the emmi®-pet also achieves optimal results when brushing teeth in this area. In this way, the sophisticated ultrasound technology helps you prevent gingivitis, periodontitis, tartar build-up, bad breath and tooth loss in your velvety darling.

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