
dog toothbrush with ultrasound

Hundezahnbürste mit Ultraschall

Catching and chewing food – these are the two main tasks that a dog’s teeth perform. The animal’s teeth are therefore vital for survival, even if it no longer has to hunt for its food when it is in human care. But dogs also use their teeth when tugging and grabbing, and even when playing. Dental hygiene is therefore not only a must for their owners, the four-legged friend’s teeth also need to be brushed regularly. But with the innovative emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush for dogs This is now done extremely effectively and thoroughly. What's more, thanks to ultrasound, the dog toothbrush cleans without movement or contact.

Brushing your dog's teeth: Preventing plaque and tooth loss

Plaque, bad breath, gingivitis and even complete tooth loss: dental problems in dogs are more common than most pet owners realize. Toothache and the resulting dental problems often go undetected for a long time. 80 percent of all dogs over three years of age are affectedPeriodontitis, the inflammation of the periodontal ligament, is one of the most common diseases that dogs suffer from. The cause can often be a insufficient oral hygiene and the missing toothbrush After every meal, food remains stuck in the teeth. If the food remains are not brushed away with a dog toothbrush, they form plaque - dental plaque that, if not treated, gradually hardens into tartar. What initially appears as discoloration of the teeth can develop into inflammation of the gums. Gingivitis not only causes terrible toothache for dogs, but can also lead to the loss of all of their teeth.

Dental care for dogs: Toothbrushes at a glance

No matter whether big or small: dental care should play an important role for every dog from the very beginning in order to effectively counteract the formation of plaque and tartar. For this reason, puppies should be accustomed to using a toothbrush. There are various toothbrushes available for dogs: there are finger cots on the market that are designed to clean the dog's teeth when put over the finger, as well as special dog toothbrushes that have a brush head on both ends. Cleaning a dog's teeth is quicker with an electric toothbrush than with a conventional brush, but not every animal is happy with this type of treatment. With the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush, pet owners now have access to an innovative technology that combines numerous advantages.


Ultrasonic toothbrush for dogs: healthy animal teeth and uncomplicated application

The world's first ultrasonic dog toothbrush presents itself as a revolution in dog dental care. Thanks to a sophisticated operating principle, the emmi®-pet cleans the dog's teeth particularly thoroughly. The brush also cleans areas that are difficult to reach with a conventional brush. dog toothbrush emmi®-pet comprehensive. The result is immaculately clean teeth that offer no opportunity for tartar and gum inflammation. At the same time, ultrasonic toothbrushes are extremely gentle, because the ultrasound works without movement and almost without contact, so that the teeth do not have to be scrubbed at all, as you are used to with conventional toothbrushes. Only a small green light indicates that the emmi®-pet vibrates silently.

Tips and Tricks: How to achieve dental hygiene with a toothbrush

As with humans, dental hygiene is a matter of getting used to it for dogs. It is therefore advisable to get your dog used to the brushing technique when it is still a puppy. But you can also introduce older animals to dental care with a little patience and the right training - the best way to do this is to play around and familiarize your four-legged friend with the toothbrush and toothpaste. The emmi®-pet was specially developed for the needs of dogs and is therefore very well received by them. At the beginning of the training, you can simulate brushing your teeth with your finger. You should reward positive behavior with caresses and a treat. Then give your pet the opportunity to get used to the taste of the toothpaste and the feeling of having a toothbrush in its mouth. When used, the emmi®-dent dog toothbrush has another advantage: ultrasonic toothpaste Press the brush head and hold the toothbrush against two or three of the dog's teeth for around ten seconds at a time - pressing or brushing is not necessary with this toothbrush. The ultrasonic toothbrush and its innovative technology do the rest of the work completely by itself. Make sure that you point the toothbrush vertically at the teeth.


Principle of action: completely new method for tooth cleaning

The principle of the emmi®-pet is based on a completely new method of tooth cleaning – micro-cleaning, which contributes to dental health with its vibrations. The brush head of the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush for dogs generates up to 96 million vibrations per minute, which are transferred to the teeth and gums via the special ultrasound toothpaste. The microbubbles formed by the ultrasound penetrate even down to the smallest gapswhere they implode and exert their cleaning effect. The microbubbles penetrate up to 12 millimeters deep into the gums and also clean the gum pockets thoroughly. Plaque and bacteria are completely removedThe innovative toothbrush for dogs can even remove plaque, the precursor to tartar.

For the prevention and treatment of existing dental problems

Benefit from the clever technology of the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrushWith the innovative toothbrush, you can effectively prevent dental problems such as periodontitis. You can also efficiently treat existing dental problems such as bad breath and plaque with the ultrasonic brush, thus saving your dog from having to have tartar removed by the vet under anesthesia. But see for yourself the advantages that the emmi®-pet offers you for your dog's dental health.

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