
Detect and treat fleas in dogs and cats!

Flöhe bei Hund und Katze erkennen und behandeln!

flea infestation is an unpleasant problem among cat and dog owners. They often multiply unnoticed and grow to three times the original population within a few days. Once they have settled in, it is difficult to get rid of them. Not only do they suck blood, but they also cause your pet to itch very unpleasantly. How to get rid of fleas in your cat or dog recognize early and what you can do about it, we explain to you in today's blog post.

Factual knowledge: Fleas and flea infestation

Worldwide there are over 2,000 different flea species. Around 70 of them are active in Central Europe. You can recognise a flea by its small size. It is around 1.5 to 4 millimetres long and has six legs. The shell of a flea is brownish and relatively robust for its small body size. The lifespan of fleas is around 1.5 years. Fleas feed on the blood of their host. What is particularly typical of fleas is their enormous jumping power. Did you know that Fleas can jump up to 1 meter and even up to 25 centimeters high Fleas are attracted by movement, warmth and exhaled air. The most common type of flea is the cat flea. People like you and me are considered to be the wrong hosts. Fleas do not consider us to be ideal and, in the event of an infestation, only stay with us for a few days. In the fur of your four-legged friend, however, they feel completely at home.

You can see fleas that have spread on your dog with the naked eye despite their small size. Adult fleas rarely attack cats and dogs. The greatest danger comes from their eggs, larvae and pupae out of.

Flea infestation: An endless cycle

Have fleas Once they have settled in, they will happily suck the blood of your cat or dog. What's so insidious about it? Female fleas can lay their eggs after their first blood meal. Per female are around 25 to 50 eggs per day. At an average temperature of 25 degrees Celsius and high humidity, the eggs can turn into larvae. These hatch after about a week. As fleas are sensitive to light, they hide in dark cracks and corners. Here they wait in their cocoons for the moment when a potential host passes by. The larvae hatch and jump onto the host. This is where the cycle of blood sucking and egg laying anew. In this way, Fleas multiply infinitely and nest everywhere in your living space.

Detecting flea infestation

Fleas usually infest cats and dogs unnoticedIn most cases, the animal's behavior indicates an infestation. Symptoms such as:

  • Severe itching
  • inflammation of the skin
  • hair loss

can indicate flea infestation. Since every dog reacts differently, you should definitely cause to the bottom go.

Provide good assistance here flea comb and wet wipes. Comb your four-legged friend's fur against the bite and then tap the residue from the comb onto a damp cloth. Tiny black or brown particles can indicate a flea infestation. If the combed-out particles turn reddish, they may be flea droppings. If the particles do not change color, they are usually just normal dirt residue.

fighting flea infestation

If your cat or dog has fleas, you should start treating them without hesitation. Unfortunately, this does not only include treating your cat or dog directly, but also treating blankets, pillows and other household items.

To rid your cat or dog of fleas, you should first consult your veterinarian. Certain insecticides in the form of sprays or shampoos will make the fleas disappear.

Cleaning the entire environment is also essential in the case of a flea infestation. This is the only way to break the cycle in the long term. Clean so all favorite places your cat or dog. In addition, you should all rooms and textilesthat your cat or dog has come into contact with. Ideally, you should clean:

  • Dog basket
  • bed
  • Sofa
  • Cover
  • pillow
  • carpet
  • cracks in the floor
  • living room corners
  • abrasive edges
  • Toys, including stuffed animals
  • Auto
  • doghouse, kennel

You can treat itchy puncture wounds on your cat or dog very effectively with our emmi®-pet skin care set Clean and care for wounds effectively with the combination of emmi®-pet HOCL Hoof, Skin & Wound Gel and the latest ultrasound technology. You can also use it to wonderfully support the skin's regeneration process.

Fleas transmit diseases

As if flea infestation wasn't disgusting and nerve-wracking enough, fleas can also transmit dangerous diseases to their host. The most common diseases caused by a flea bite include:

  • FAD – Flohallergie Dermatitis
  • Lyme disease
  • cucumber seed tapeworm

FAQ: 3 questions and answers - What diseases do fleas transmit?

What is flea allergy dermatitis (FAD)?

The flea allergy dermatitis is characterized by allergies, triggered through flea saliva, out. The flea saliva causes severe itching. Scratching and even biting until it bleeds causes the skin to become inflamed. Bacteria and yeasts that have settled in the wound make the situation worse and increase the itching. Flea allergy dermatitis can lead to hair loss and thickening of the skin.

What is a cucumber seed tapeworm?

At the cucumber seed tapeworm it is about a tapeworm species whose eggs are transmitted mainly through flea saliva Fleas are considered to be intermediate hosts for this type of tapeworm eggs. If the tapeworm eggs enter the digestive tract of a dog or cat, the parasites can settle there unnoticed and cause severe intestinal inflammation.

Is Lyme disease transmitted by fleas?

Lyme disease is transmitted by ticks in most cases. However, fleas also transmit Lyme diseaseAfter a flea infestation, symptoms such as fatigue, fever, muscle and joint pain and swollen lymph nodes can be an indication of Lyme disease. Veterinary examination is essential in this case.

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