
Dogs and cats in spring: From allergies to ticks

Hund und Katze im Frühling: Von der Allergie bis hin zur Zecke

Every season has its own special features, We find spring particularly beautiful ! But besides all its beauty, spring also has its pitfalls, which dog and cat owners prepared must be. Which Things in Spring In today's blog post we will explain what can happen to you and your four-legged friend.

Spring: Allergies in Dogs and Cats

In spring, nature comes back to life. The first plants start to bloom and before you know it, the first pollen through the air. Pollen can not only affect us humans, but also Dogs and cats . Whether You can have your vet determine whether your four-legged friend has an allergy . If your pet is allergic to pollen, you can support your pet by, for example, regularly combing the pollen out of its fur.

Spring: coat change in dogs and cats

When spring comes, your four-legged friend changes its fur . Depending on the breed, the shedding of the winter coat can take between 5 and 8 weeks. With extensive combing and brushing, you can actively during the coat change . Your dog will find the massage pleasant and relaxing. Blood circulation in the skin is promoted by regular combing and brushing.

If you set during this time dry skin in your four-legged friend or a related Itching , you should see a veterinarian to rule out ectoparasites. A care oil or special shampoo provide quick relief.

Spring with dogs and cats: flowering time for poisonous plants

When the first plants start to bloom in spring, the anticipation of the warm temperatures increases. However, you should still be careful, because Early bloomers are often poisonous for dogs and cats . Especially

  • Lily of the valley,
  • daffodils and
  • tulips

you should protect your four-legged friend. Fresh grass, on the other hand, is completely harmless and is even eaten willingly.

Spring: Dangerous insects for dogs and cats

When temperatures rise, the number of insects buzzing around also increases relatively quickly. Young, curious dogs love to play with flying or crawling creatures. Bees and wasps in particular can deliver life-threatening stings that can even lead to acute respiratory distress or even suffocation. So always make sure that your pet not to catch a bee or wasp without being noticed .

By the way, Ticks in Spring like to crawl out of their hiding place. Check your pet’s fur regularly for these parasites, as they can transmit dangerous diseases. By spreading black cumin oil on your dog’s coat, you not only care for his coat, but You can also prevent tick bites .

Spring: Promote the condition of dogs and cats

Since dog and cat owners do not always go outside as much in the cold season as they do in spring, summer or autumn, you should slowly start conditioning your darling. Increase your dog or cat's physical activity gradually. Adapt them to the respective temperatures and move your activity to the early morning or evening hours with a clear conscience.

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