
Natural Parasite Defense in Dogs

Natürliche Parasitenabwehr beim Hund

Natural Parasite Defense in Dogs

Mites, fleas, ticks and insects often scare away the summer for our four-legged friends. Not only humans are becoming more sensitive to bites, but our dogs too. Allergies and unbearable itching are not uncommon. If you are looking for natural repellents that ideally have an insecticidal effect, you will quickly find what you are looking for. But how good are the home remedies and to what extent can our emmi®-pet Care Set help? We will answer all of these questions in today's blog post.

Natural substances to combat parasites

There are many natural insecticides. But plant-based substances can also trigger allergies in dogs. For example, dogs do not tolerate tea tree oil particularly well. Numerous other essential oils also promote allergic reactions and redness on the skin. In addition to substances with essential oils, there are numerous other substances such as lemon, garlic or various minerals that can be used to repel insects without any problems. Collars, lotions, ampoules and powders are now also available over the counter to repel insects.

The advantage of natural substances is that they have no harmful effects. The impact on the environment, water, liver and kidneys, and other organs is also almost impossible. And if an allergic reaction does occur, it will completely disappear after a few days. Unfortunately, this is not always the case with chemical agents. Long-term effects are not uncommon.

Caring for sensitive and allergic dogs

Especially for sensitive and allergic dogs, parasite defense and coat care is not always easy. Our emmi®-dent Care Set is particularly well tolerated This means that our Care Set is not only suitable for grooming healthy dogs, but also for sensitive and allergic dogs.

Chemical products often act as neurotoxins. Of course, these substances not only affect the parasites, but also have a fundamental effect on the dog itself. Mites, fleas, ticks and insects can be combated without neurotoxins. Our emmi®-pet Care Set has the wonderful property of efficiently cleaning bite wounds and bite sites. Supporting the skin and fur promotes the healing process.

In terms of care, your dog's skin will start to shine after just a few days. Hair loss will stop and parasites of all kinds don't seem to like this healthy skin environment very much. They will leave your four-legged friend alone.

Grooming with the emmi®-pet Care Set

The aim of regular coat care with our emmi®-pet Care Set is to support the regeneration of skin and coat. The best way to prevent pests is to eliminate typical pet odors. Since certain odors attract parasites, a neutral environment can also deter pests.

Additions to the food can also keep parasites away. For example, our emmi®-pet tick protection food supplement, which has been enriched with black cumin oil, can keep ticks away. In human medicine, too, more and more people are relying on the positive effects of black cumin oil.

The black cumin oil we produce is made from 100% organic Egyptian black cumin. It is pressed fresh from the mill directly by our manufacturer according to ancient Egyptian tradition, without the addition of any chemicals. Aside from protecting against parasites, our black cumin oil also contains numerous positive ingredients that boost the immune system.

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