There is a lot for your dog to discover on a walk in the autumn. He loves to roll around in the colourful autumn leaves or dig in the damp forest floor. In the wet season, you should pay particular attention to checking the fur and protecting the paws of your beloved four-legged friend. Did you know that your dog needs special care in wet weather? We will explain what this looks like in today's blog post.
Check paws after every walk
Regularly checking your dog's paws doesn't take much time. For this reason, you should clean the paws after every walk. Use lukewarm water and a soft towel to dry them. Not only road salt, but also clumps of dirt and cold can put a strain on your dog's sensitive paws.
To clean the paws, it is often sufficient to bathe the paws briefly in a bowl of warm water and gently rub the area between the toes with your fingers. Then dry the paws well. If necessary, you can apply a special, moisturizing paw protection apply.
Intensive coat control
To give your beloved four-legged friend the best possible care in autumn, you should comb his fur after every walk. This not only removes surface dirt, but also helps to remove sand, burrs or small insects from your dog's fur.
When checking the coat, pay particular attention but on ticksThey can be removed from the fur with a fine comb long before they have burrowed into the skin. Since your dog sheds its fur in the autumn, you can support him by cleaning and combing his fur regularly.
Optimal paw care
For the health of your dog, not only regular dental hygiene with our emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush important, but also regular paw checks and care. If your dog has dry paws, you can rub some paw wax on them before going for a walk.
This creates a special protective layer on the sensitive pads. The wax prevents the pads from being irritated by cold or road salt. Many products contain nourishing oils and shea butter. You should use a special lotion for sore, cracked paws.
Allergies as a skin problem are often chronic in cats
Allergies as a skin problem are often chronic in cats. It is an incurable disease. Regardless of the cause, treatment and diagnosis require a great deal of patience. Certain trigger factors should be identified with the vet before treatment. Flea saliva allergies are widespread and it is advisable to rule out this cause through flea prevention. In contrast, food allergies seem to be less common than previously thought, at 10-15 percent.