Do you share your household with a senior cat? Do you carry out regular mouth checks, as is recommended for older cats? This will help you detect gingivitis or broken teeth early on. In addition to regular mouth checks, we also recommend that you give your cat thorough dental care.
How to remove food residue and plaque with our emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush We will explain to you in today's blog post how you can thoroughly remove it.
Dental care for older cats
Inflammation of your old cat's gums and teeth can be largely avoided with preventive measures. You should train your cat to have its teeth cleaned and examined regularly from a young age. This will make brushing your cat's teeth with a toothbrush a habit.
But you should always keep an eye on your old cat's general health, as well as his teeth. Like humans, many cats suffer from tartar. Tartar forms when you don't remove plaque from your cat's teeth.
Minerals that collect in saliva cause plaque and tartar. In the worst case, these accumulations can cause painful periodontal disease, not just in older cats. Your cat's teeth can become loose or there is a risk of them becoming misaligned.
General Health in Older Cats
To ensure that your cat has a long and healthy life, you should place great importance on appropriate food. For older cats, special senior foods are a good choice. They are designed and tailored to the needs of older house cats.
In addition, regular health checks should be carried out by the vet. The costs for these routine health checks are often covered by special cat health insurance policies.
With this insurance, you can avoid having to pay a lot of money for an examination or operation in an emergency. Regular health checks on your old cat can save lives and even prevent the spread of infections.
Health problems can be detected early and can usually be treated much more effectively.
If your cat refuses to eat because it has pain in its mouth, it is usually due to tooth or gum inflammation. Does your cat also suffer from bad breath? Daily dental care for older cats can prevent this problem in advance.