study by the University of Liège in 2011

Studie Uni Lüttich 2011

application study

micro-tooth cleaning with ultrasound

Department of Pediatric Dentistry


February 2011

Head of Study: Dr. Annick Urfels
Investigator: Dr. Annick Urfels
Venue: University of Liège

Order from: EMAG AG, 64546 Mörfelden-Walldorf

The application study with the ultrasonic toothbrush Emmi-dental Professional was carried out with 20 subjects. The age
The subjects were between 7 and 43 years old. I have the subjects' personal data.
For data protection reasons, the test subjects are listed under identification numbers in this report.

The subjects are of different nationalities and different social classes.

The following factors were taken into account in the study:

- Dental plaque (all subjects)
- Malocclusion (13 subjects)
- Filled teeth (obturations – 19 subjects)
- Gingival recession (1 subject)
- Orthodontic treatments (fixed or removable braces – 11 subjects)
- gingivitis (4 subjects)
- Bleeding gums (3 subjects)
- Bad breath (1 subject)

Material and Method

The subjects were randomly selected for the study (random procedure). Four examination appointments
were arranged at intervals of ± 4 weeks. 1. appointment (initial examination)

The use of the EMAG ultrasonic toothbrush was explained to the subjects and their parents and the associated
Ultrasonic toothpaste was handed out. An initial examination was carried out. The results are included in this report.

2nd, 3rd and 4th examination appointment:

During these meetings,

1) Plaque indicator applied
2) Took photos
3) The application technique is practiced (if necessary)
4) Plaque indicator applied
5) Photos realized
6) A professional teeth cleaning by me, if necessary
7) The examination results were compared with the previous status.

The results of the examinations during sessions 2, 3 and 4 are included in this report.

comments from the subjects

a) A feeling that the teeth are cleaner and smoother (6 subjects)
b) This toothbrush is better than any other (1 subject)
c) Everything OK (1 subject)
d) Very satisfied (1 subject)
e) Very satisfied, but it doesn't matter which toothbrush I use (1 test subject)
f) Finally no more bleeding gums (1 subject)
g) General, positive attitude
h) Gingival recession is stable

Critical comments from the subjects

a) The taste of the toothpaste (6 subjects)
b) Toothpaste is too harsh (6 subjects)
c) The time required (2 subjects)
d) Handling the ultrasonic toothbrush (the attachment is too difficult to put on)
e) The application technique is very different compared to the conventional manual toothbrush (1 subject)
f) With fixed braces, brushing teeth is complicated and difficult (1 subject).

concluding remarks

a) Summary of the results of the application study
(Please insert a general summary statement here – including with reference to the effectiveness of the
Ultrasonic tooth cleaning for plaque, smooth tooth surfaces, brighter (whiter) teeth and the identified
Effects in cases of gingivitis, bleeding gums and bad breath)

b) Some comments from me:
From my perspective as a pediatric dentist, I have experienced and seen progress in the use of the ultrasonic toothbrush.
This study was a lot of fun, just to see how critical children and young people can be. They discuss things a lot and I even had to prove to two of the test subjects using photos that their teeth were not free of plaque even after brushing because they had not used the technique correctly.
Two mothers who have suffered from bleeding gums for years have adopted this tooth brushing technique and happily told me after the third appointment that they were finally free of it.

A thought on my part: How effective is this brush after surgery in the jaw area or in people with periodontal disease?

The original PDF can be found here

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