
Preventing tartar: remedies for tartar in dogs

Zahnstein vorbeugen: Mittel gegen Zahnstein beim Hund

If you have a dog, you probably already know how important it is to keep him healthy. But did you know that your dog's health depends not only on his physical fitness, but also on his oral hygiene? Just like with us humans, Tartar also in dogs lead to serious health problems. In this article you will learn everything you need to know about What you need to know about tartar in dogs, and how to remove it effectively.

What is tartar?

tartar is a hard, yellow-brown colored depositthat sticks to your dog's teeth. plaque in dogs is formed by the accumulation of harmful bacteria and food residues that accumulate over time on the deposits on your dog's teeth.

If these so-called plaques are not regularly removed from your dog’s teeth, they can harden into tartarThis in turn irritates your dog's gums and can cause further inflammation and infection.

How do I recognize tartar in dogs?

Most dogs do not show any symptoms when they have tartar. For this reason, it is especially important that you check your dog's teeth regularly. If you notice that yellow-brown deposits have formed on your dog's teeth, this is a clear Signs of Tartar.

Other signs of tartar may include:

  • bad breath,
  • bleeding gums or
  • tooth loss


What helps against tartar in dogs?

If you tartar in your dog you should act as soon as possible to prevent further damage to your dog's teeth and gums. Here are some ways you can Removing tartar from your dog's teeth can:

  1. Professional dental cleaning: A professional dental cleaning at the vet is the safest and most effective way to prevent severe removing tartar from your dog's teethThis process requires a costly general anesthetic because your veterinarian must clean under the dog's gums. During the cleaning, your veterinarian can also check for other problems in your dog's mouth area.

  2. Toothbrush and toothpaste for dogs: If you tartar in your dog If you recognize it early, you can try to treat it with our emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush and a special toothpaste for dogs to remove themselves. Start with short sessions to get your dog to get used to dental careMake sure you brush your dog's teeth thoroughly from all sides.

  3. Chewing items and special food: Chewing items such as chewing bones, deer antlers or cow ears can also help reduce tartar in dogsThere is also special food that can help to reduce tartar in your dogThese products contain special ingredients that can help to to remove tartarwhile your dog is eating.

Preventing Tartar in Dogs

Instead of laboriously removing tartar from your dog, it is much easier toahnstein in your dogHere are some tips on how to Prevent tartar in your dog can:

  1. Regular dental care: Regular dental care is the best way to Prevent tartar in your dog. Brush your dog's teeth at least twice a week to remove plaque and bacteria.

  2. Healthy food: A healthy diet is also important for the dental health of your dog. Feed your dog high-quality dog food and supplement his diet with raw vegetables and fruits.

  3. Chews: Chews such as chew bones or deer antlers can help to reduce reduce tartar in your dog.

  4. Regular veterinary examinations: Have your dog examined regularly by a veterinarian to ensure that his teeth and gums are healthy.

Tartar in dogs, what really helps?

The question of what really helps against tartar in dogs? As you know, tartar in dogs can lead to serious health problems if not treated in time. regular dental care and healthy diet you can contribute Prevent tartar in your dog.

If you discover deposits and harmful plaque on your dog's teeth, you should act as quickly as possible to prevent further damage. A professional dental cleaning at the vet is the safest and most effective way to prevent massive to remove tartar buildup.

Alternatively, you can also practice regular dental hygiene with Toothbrush and toothpaste for dogs or try chews and special foods. By keeping your dog's teeth clean and maintaining good oral hygiene, you can do your part to ensure your dog lives a long, happy and healthy life.

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