
Water tail in dogs: recognizing, treating and preventing

Wasserrute beim Hund: Erkennen, behandeln und vorbeugen

Especially in summer, dogs love jumping into the cool water. Retrieving balls from the water and playing to romp around in the cool water corresponds to the natural nature of most dog breeds. But playing in the cool water does not always remain without consequences. While dogs do not show any abnormalities when playing in the water, just a few hours later with "hanging" tail in front of you. In today's blog post, we will explain to you why even generous stroking or giving treats only leads to restrained "wagging" of the tail.

Recognizing tail rot in dogs

Your dog only enjoys your presence in a restrained manner and cannot Do not lift the tail? His tail is conspicuous in that it stands out vertically from the base of the tail and the rest of the tail just hangs down limply? Be careful! These symptoms may indicate a so-called water rod The water tail, also known as “cold water tail” or “mutton tail”, is a phenomenon that occurs primarily after a demanding and longer bath in cold water The symptoms of wet tail appear particularly after heavy strain on your dog's tail and back muscles in cold water or in wet, cold weather.

The phenomenon of water rod is particularly common in young dogs and water-loving hunting dogs Although the exact cause of the tail slip has not yet been fully clarified, it is suspected that the heavy strain on the back and tail muscles combined with cold leads to severe muscle inflammation. This can lead to the destruction of muscle cells and fibers. So-called micro-traumas of the muscle fibers can sometimes be very painful for your dog.

Treating Wettail in Dogs

Do you suspect that your dog has a water rod If your dog has suffered from swimming, you should see a vet as soon as possible. Anti-inflammatory painkillers can relieve the pain. Trauma of this kind should always be examined by a vet, also to avoid to exclude breakage of the rod vertebrae.

Has the veterinarian diagnosed your dog with diagnosed with tail rot, then you should definitely keep him warm and dry. In addition to the prescribed painkillers and anti-inflammatories, you should make sure that your dog - and especially his tail - is given a rest. Dogs with a wet tail like warmth on the back and in the tail area. A warm grain pillow on the back or a hot water bottle in the back of the dog's basket can promote the healing process. However, make sure that the supportive warmth just warm and not too hot.

Preventing water tail in dogs

Since the Watertail is a very painful disease your dog, you should do everything you can to prevent this from happening. You should avoid excessive dog training in cold water or in a wet, cold environment, which is sometimes not so easy with water-crazy dog breeds like Labrador Retrievers.

Here it is up to you to stop the game in time. After all, you should stop when things are at their best. To prevent a water tail, you should also dry thoroughlySpecial drying and warming coats are ideal here, especially when the weather is not so nice.

Regular grooming can help to minimize the risk of a wet tail. For thorough skin and coat care, we recommend, for example, skin care set from emmi-petThis way your dog will always stay healthy and well cared for.

FAQ: 3 Questions and Answers about Wet Tail in Dogs

What can you do if your dog has a wet tail?

The Wet tail in dogs makes a visit to the vet essential. They often prescribe anti-inflammatory painkillers without cortisone (NSAIDs). They provide pain relief and promote the healing process and the reduction of inflammation. Heat applications can support the healing process.

How does a dog get a wet tail?

Strength strain on the tail and back muscles in cold temperatures, especially in cold water, can lead to a water tail in dogs. Dogs that like to romp or work in the water and put a lot of strain on their tails are particularly at risk.

What causes a dog's tail to droop?

If a dog suddenly lets its tail hang, no longer seems happy when spoken to and can no longer wag its tail when playing, then a water tail could be the reason for thisThis change should be checked by a veterinarian as soon as possible.

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