
Why are dogs chipped?

Warum werden Hunde gechipt?

As dog owners is the chip your four-legged friend certainly a termIn most cases, the tiny implant in the neck area directly under the your dog's skinThe chip is a Transponder on which an identification number is storedSimilar to an identity card, the 15-digit ID not only identifies your dog, but also you as the owner. In today's blog post, we explain why dogs are chipped and whether chipping is mandatory in Germany.

How the chip is inserted into your dog

The chip is a microchip with a size of around 12 x 2 millimeters. The Chip is inserted in puppyhood above the shoulder in the area of the left half of the neckThe veterinarian uses a thicker cannula to insert the needle. The pain is similar to that of a vaccination and only lasts for a short time. Chip only implanted under the skin it grows into the tissue over time.

The costs for inserting the chip and the chip itself are regulated by the Veterinary Fee Schedule (GOT). Depending on the complexity, the “treatment” can be billed up to three times the rate. The model of the chip also affects the price. Overall, the Costs for chipping between 40 to 60 euros be.

How the chip works on your dog

The RFID microchip is Transponder on your dog as forgery-proofUnlike a GPS device, it does not send any signals or emit any radiation. The chip cannot be located by anyone else. It cannot fade or get lost, which could happen with a tattoo or an address tag. The microchip can only be read with a specific reader.

What information is stored on the dog chip?

The chip itself only stores one piece of information: the 15-digit identification number. For this reason, after the chip has been inserted, it must be registered. You can choose where you want to register. There are currently a total of 3 registration offices.

  • German Pet Register of the German Animal Welfare Association (FINDEX): Registration free of charge
  • Animal register of TASSO eV: Registration free of charge
  • IFTA /International Central Animal Registration: Registration for a fee of EUR 29.91 gross

The majority of animal shelters, doctors or breeders register the animals immediately after microchipping. In this case, you do not have to worry about anything. In some cases, however, you may have to register yourselfYou will receive all the necessary information by post and in most cases also a corresponding pendant for the collar or harness your dog...

Is there a chip requirement in Germany?

One There is no general chip requirement in GermanyEach federal state regulates the microchipping of dogs through its respective dog law. Thuringia, Berlin and Hamburg, for example, require microchipping, while Schleswig-Holstein and Hesse only require microchipping for “dangerous breeds”.

However, when travelling abroad within the EU, the chip is mandatory! Otherwise, the following rules apply for the individual federal states.

  • Baden-Württemberg: A tattoo is sufficient for most dog breeds. The microchip requirement only applies to “dangerous” dog breeds.
  • Bavaria: Tattoo is sufficient, no chip required.
  • Berlin: Microchip requirement for all dog breeds.
  • Brandenburg: Microchipping is compulsory for all dog breeds with a shoulder height of 40 centimeters or a weight of 20 kilograms.
  • Bremen: Microchip requirement for all dog breeds classified as “dangerous”.
  • Hamburg: Microchip requirement for all dogs from the age of 3 months.
  • Hesse: Microchipping is mandatory for all dog breeds classified as “dangerous”.
  • Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Microchip requirement for all dog breeds classified as “dangerous”. Alternatively, tattooed breeding register numbers are also accepted.
  • Lower Saxony: Microchipping is compulsory for all dogs from the age of 6 months.
  • North Rhine-Westphalia: Microchipping is compulsory for all dog breeds classified as “dangerous” that are older than 3 months.
  • Rhineland-Palatinate: Microchipping is compulsory for all dog breeds classified as “dangerous” (listed dogs).
  • Saarland: Microchipping is compulsory for all dog breeds classified as “dangerous” on the Saarland list.
  • Saxony: No labeling requirement.
  • Saxony-Anhalt: Microchipping is compulsory for all dog breeds classified as “dangerous” that are older than 6 months.
  • Schleswig-Holstein: Microchipping is compulsory for all dogs from the age of 3 months.
  • Thuringia: All dogs must be microchipped. Only a veterinarian is allowed to microchip them.

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