
How to Prevent Tartar in Dogs

Wie man beim Hund Zahnstein verhindert

If your dog has tartar, it is difficult and often painful and expensive to get rid of it. The best thing to do is to prevent your dog from getting tartar in the first place. Here you can find out how to tell whether your dog may already be affected and how to prevent your dog from getting tartar in the first place.

Which dogs are particularly at risk?

Smaller dogs with short snouts are particularly often affected, as their teeth are often too close together or crooked, providing the ideal breeding ground for tartar. So check regularly to see if there are any early signs that your dog has tartar.

How does your dog get tartar?

Tartar is a deposit of food residue that can stick to the surface of the dog's teeth in combination with saliva and bacteria. Plaque is initially formed. However, this encourages more food residue to stick to the teeth, quickly affecting larger areas. Tartar can build up on your dog quicker than you think.

Does your dog have tartar?

You can tell that your dog has tartar by the following signs: The affected teeth of your four-legged friend have a grey-greenish to brownish coating, he produces more saliva and he gives off an unpleasant bad breath. Later on, clearly visible gum problems appear or, in the worst case, your dog only chews on one side.
This hard layer on the teeth is very difficult to remove and can often only be removed by a vet. So it's best not to let your dog get tartar in the first place!

How to prevent your dog from getting tartar

A basic pillar to ensure that your dog has no chance of developing tartar is a healthy, species-appropriate diet. When feeding a dog raw meat (barf), tartar is much less likely to develop than when feeding it dry or wet food. However, this type of feeding is quite time-consuming and not everyone likes it.

Even if you feed your dog conventional food, you can make it more difficult for him to develop tartar. Make sure that the food is sugar- and grain-free, as these are the very ingredients that encourage the formation of plaque. It is often only a matter of time before tartar becomes a problem for your dog.

The other basic pillar so that your dog never has to experience tartar in person is prophylactic dental careRegular tooth cleaning with the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush effectively prevents your dog from getting tartar. The gentle, vibration-free cleaning of the teeth is also accepted by more sensitive dogs and ensures that harmful bacteria cannot settle on the dog's teeth by removing food residue. As with humans, daily dental hygiene is crucial. This is an easy and effective way to ensure that your dog is spared tartar.

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