
Coat change in dogs and cats: everything you need to know

Fellwechsel bei Hund und Katze: Alles, was du wissen musst

As you know, the shedding is a natural and important process in the life of dogs and cats. It ensures that they lose old fur and the new, healthy fur grows backIn this blog article, you will learn everything you need to know about your four-legged friend's coat change, from the causes to support and coat care.

Why do dogs and cats shed their fur?

Twice a year the shedding your pet to adapt to the changing weather conditions. In spring and autumn, dogs and cats lose their old fur to

  • a new,
  • better adapted to the season

To grow fur. This process is completely normal and necessary to the health and well-being of your animal to obtain.

frequency of coat change

The frequency of coat change varies depending on

  • Races,
  • Age and
  • health

your pet. In general Dogs and cats change their fur twice a year, but some breeds may have more or less frequent coat changes.

differences between races

There are Differences in coat change between different dog and cat breeds. Some breeds, such as

  • the Labrador Retriever or
  • the Persian cat,

have one heavier coat change than others. It is important that you know the specific needs of your breed in order to to optimally care for your fur.

support of the coat change

You can shedding your dog or cat through regular brushing Brushing helps to remove dead hair and stimulates the growth of new fur. It also promotes blood circulation in the skin and distributes the natural oils in the fur. During the shedding period, you should brush your pet more often than usual.

For an even more efficient result, we recommend our pet hair vacuum cleaner. The crevice nozzle and the cleaning brush also help you to collect pet hair on

  • Carpet,
  • sofa and
  • Fußboden.

Nutrition and coat change

A balanced diet is crucial for a healthy coatMake sure your dog or cat’s food contains all the necessary

  • Vitamins,
  • minerals and
  • Contains nutrients that are necessary for healthy hair growth are required. In particular
  • Omega-3 and
  • Omega-6 fatty acids and
  • biotin and
  • zinc

are important for a shiny coat.

bathing and care products

During the coat change It may be helpful to bathe your dog or cat more frequently to remove dead hair and clean the skin. Use a mild shampoo, such as our Lucaa+ organic shampoo for pets, which is specially designed for dogs or cats, and make sure that to dry the fur thoroughly after bathing.

Dog and cat: coat change as a natural and important process

The shedding is a natural and important process in the life of your dog or cat. To support this process optimally, you should respond to the needs of your animal and grooming adjust accordingly. Regular brushing, a balanced diet and proper care are crucial to help your four-legged friend get through the coat change healthy and happy.

By taking good care of your dog or cat's fur, you not only contribute to its well-being, but also strengthen the bond between you. And a happy, healthy pet with a beautiful coat is, after all, what we all want for our beloved four-legged friends.

So do not hesitate to give your dog or cat a treat during the coat change They will provide you with the necessary support and care. They will reward you with affection, health and a beautiful fur.

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