
Recognizing and preventing vitamin deficiencies in dogs and cats

Vitaminmangel bei Hund und Katze erkennen und vermeiden

Dogs and cats are among the most popular pets. If they are healthy, we humans are well too. If they are not so well and they suffer from a deficiency, we are doing everything we can to get our beloved four-legged roommates back on their feet as quickly as possible.

When it comes to health and well-being, balanced diet plays an important roleVitamins and minerals should also be available to dogs and cats in sufficient quantities. Why you should Avoid overdose should and one also one underdosing has its pitfalls We will explain to you in today's blog post.

Important Vitamins for Dogs and Cats

minerals, trace elements and vitamins are just as important for your dog and cat as they are for you. Iron, for example, is indispensable when it comes to formation of red blood cells.

B vitamins ensure optimal functioning of the nerve cells. Vitamin D is important for bones and teeth, can be produced by the dog's organism itself. Depending on the composition of the food you choose in combination with the eating habits of your pet, it may be useful and necessary to supplementing vitamins.

Vitamins are important for growth and especially young dogs need significantly more micronutrients than older animalsA pregnant dog also has a significantly increased need for micronutrients and vitaminsFor this reason, it is important that you observe your animal closely and can assess when a vitamin deficiency is present. tablets or vitamins in powder form such as:

  • Requirements
  • Vitamin D
  • Magnesium
  • calcium
  • Phosphor

and many more minerals and trace elements can compensate for a deficiency. This can manifest itself in various diseases such as anemia, coat problems, diarrhea or other complaints.

When vitamin deficiency or overdose leads to serious problems

The lack of vitamins can lead to serious problems for your dog. Especially when feeding poor quality food, it can happen that insufficient micronutrients from food. To ensure your dog still has enough vitamins, micronutrients and trace elements You can do this in the form of dietary supplements do.

However, you should Consult your veterinarian Keep your dog in check, because an overdose can also lead to health problems. For example, if your dog gets too much Iron, in the worst case this can lead to chemical burns in the intestinal area lead. The immune system and metabolism may be affected.

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