
DIY: Selbstgemachter Salzteig-Pfotenabdruck für Hund und Katze

DIY: Homemade salt dough paw print for dogs and cats

A homemade DIY paw print represents for many dog and cat owners much more than a decorative object, because after the death of your beloved pet, that paw print becomes a magical memory. desi...

HundeblogWeltkatzentag: 08.08.2021 - Internationaler Tag der Katze

World Cat Day: 08.08.2021 - International Cat Day

Every year in August we celebrate the Cat DayOn this day we dedicate ourselves to the four-legged cuddly cats and ensure their well-being. International Cat Day was originally organized by I...

KatzenblogWie wird meine Katze stubenrein?

How do I house train my cat?

You wonder how your little cat is finally house trained? Admittedly, it feels like a mammoth task. Once you have disposed of your little cat's droppings for what feels like the 100th time, t...

HundeblogWelche Impfungen brauchen Hund und Katze?

Which vaccinations do dogs and cats need?

Vaccinations for dogs and cats are recommended just as regularly as vaccinations for humans. In today's blog post, we will explain which vaccinations are important, recommended or useful for...

HundeblogKastration notwendig oder nicht?

Is castration necessary or not?

At a Castration surgery removes the gonads removed. Pets are then no longer able to produce or give birth to offspring. Like a Castration surgery on a pet is, when it becomes necessary, what...

HundeblogFlöhe bei Hund und Katze erkennen und behandeln!

Detect and treat fleas in dogs and cats!

flea infestation is an unpleasant problem among cat and dog owners. They often multiply unnoticed and grow to three times the original population within a few days. Once they have settled in...

HundeblogWelche Lebensmittel sind für Katzen ungesund?

Which foods are unhealthy for cats?

Similar to dogs, cats also tend to beg. But what should you look out for if your cat meowing and begging sitting in front of you and asking you to To share delicacies with her ? In t...

HundeblogIst der Abschluss einer Tierkrankenversicherung sinnvoll?

Does it make sense to take out pet health insurance?

As a pet owner, you have certainly asked yourself whether taking out a Pet health insurance makes sense Dog owners, especially first-time dog owners, are faced with the decision of a health ...

KatzenblogDie richtige Vorbereitung für den Einzug einer Katze

The right preparation for bringing a cat into your home

If a cat moves in, some preparations should be made in advance. After all, the Settling into the new home as stress-free as possible for your new roommate. To make the acclimatizat...

HundeblogIm Homeoffice mit Hund und Katze

Working from home with dog and cat

Working from home with dog and cat Animal support or daily challenge? It's not just parents of children of kindergarten and school age who are facing a big challenge...

KatzenblogAllergien bei Katzen

Allergies in Cats

Allergies in Cats Recognize and treat cat allergies ! Cats can suffer from allergies more often than you might think . Allergies in cats are therefore not unc...

HundeblogKatzenzähne 5 Fakten, die du wissen solltest

Cat Teeth 5 Facts You Should Know

Cat Teeth 5 Facts You Should Know How well do you know your cat's teeth ? Did you know that you can tell your cat's age by looking at its teeth? Do you know why c...

KatzenblogZahnstein bei der Katze

tartar in cats

Tartar in cats – what helps? If your cat already has a massive buildup of tartar , a trip to the vet is unavoidable. But how can you prevent tartar from forming in ...

KatzenblogZahnpflege bei Katzen

Dental care for cats

Do cats need dental care? We are often asked the question: do cats need dental care? Is Brushing Cats' Teeth necessary? Clear answer: Yes, cats also need regular dental care. It is ju...

HundeblogZahnkrankheiten der Katze

dental diseases of cats

Dental diseases and dental illnesses in cats often progress gradually. It is not uncommon for dental problems in cats to be diagnosed during another examination. In particu...

KatzenblogDas Katzengebiss

The cat's teeth

teething in cats Cats are predators and rely on very strong teeth. Even if your house cat doesn't have to work for its own food, flawless teeth play an important role in its ...

HundeblogZahnwechsel bei Katzen

teething in cats

Teething in cats – when kittens learn to bite Cats are originally predators with very strong teeth. Perfect teeth are not only important for cats that live in the...

HundeblogZähneputzen beim Hund - sinnvoll oder übertrieben?

Brushing your dog's teeth - useful or excessive?

Brushing your dog’s teeth: important or excessive? Do you brush your dog's teeth regularly or is that going too far for you in terms of animal love ? First, the good news: ...

HundeblogZähneputzen bei Katzen?!

Brushing cats' teeth?!

Proper dental care for cats Proper dental care for cats is frowned upon, just like for dogs. The accusation of humanization is quickly raised. But every cat owner or lover w...

HundeblogZahnheilkunde bei Haustieren

Dentistry for Pets

Dentistry is a common topic for cats and dogs. After annual vaccinations, toothache is the most common reason why pet owners have to visit their vet. In today's blog post, we expl...

HundeblogZeckenbiss beim Hund: Ein leidiges Thema

Tick ​​bites in dogs: A painful topic

Spring has barely awakened - and they are already active again: ticks. The common dog tick, the brown dog tick and the meadow tick lurk in the undergrowth and grass for their fluffy...

HundeblogWarum ist die Ultraschall-Zahnbürste für Hunde sinnvoll?

Why is the ultrasonic toothbrush useful for dogs?

Many people are now aware of the benefits of this innovative dental care. But we often forget an important group for the ultrasonic toothbrush: dogs. Our four-legged friends can re...

HundeblogGesunde Zähne beim Hund: wesentliche Grundlage für die Hundegesundheit

Healthy teeth in dogs: essential basis for dog health

Healthy teeth are of immense importance to humans - and the same is true for dogs. Dental health is an important indicator of your four-legged friend's general health. Dental diseases such a...

HundeblogFür die Gesundheit Ihres Vierbeiners: die beste Zahnpflege für Hunde

For the health of your four-legged friend: the best dental care for dogs

Dogs' teeth require just as much care as humans'. Dental diseases such as caries and especially periodontitis plague dogs as much as their owners. Bad breath and tartar are just the beginnin...