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Optimal nail care and individual design with Emmi®-Nail

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Ultrasound care for face and body

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Ultrasonic cleaning equipment and accessories at Ultraschall-Welt

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The first ultrasonic toothbrush and other pet care equipment for animals!

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Optimal nail care and individual design with Emmi®-Nail

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Ultrasound care for face and body

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Ultrasonic cleaning equipment and accessories at Ultraschall-Welt

Christmas baking - dangers for our four-legged friends lurk around here!

Imagine it's snowing outside, fairy lights are bathing your home in a cozy glow and the smell of freshly baked cookies fills the air. But stop, because despite all the anticipation that this festive season brings, we don't want to forget our four-legged friends. Some Christmas treats can be dangerous for them.

In today's blog post, we explain how you can bake Christmas treats for your dear four-legged friends and at the same time ensure a happy and safe Christmas season for your furry friends.


Risk no. 2: Xylitol - the sweet enemy in your bakery

Xylitol, that inconspicuous, sweet crystal hailed as a sugar-free hero in our health-conscious baking world, harbors an unseen danger for our barking and meowing pets.

The sugar substitute, which is often celebrated for its low-calorie and tooth-friendly properties, also has a not-so-positive side. This is particularly evident when it comes to dogs and cats. Even a tiny touch of xylitol can upset a dog's insulin system and lead to life-threatening hypoglycemia.

That's why you should keep sugar substitutes like xylitol strictly away from your beloved four-legged friends. Also make sure you always store your baking utensils very securely, after all a clever snoop sometimes finds ways to get to the unattainable.


Risiko Nr. 2: Xylitol – Der süße Feind in deiner Backstube

Xylitol, dieses unscheinbare, süße Kristall, das als zuckerfreier Held in unserer gesundheitsbewussten Backwelt gefeiert wird, birgt eine unsichtbare Gefahr für unsere bellenden und miauenden Lieblinge.

Der Zuckerersatzstoff, welcher oft für seine kalorienarmen und zahnschonenden Eigenschaften gefeiert wird, hat auch eine nicht so positive Seite. Diese zeigt sich vor allem dann, wenn es um Hunde und Katzen geht. Bereits ein winziger Hauch von Xylitol kann das Insulinsystem eines Hundes durcheinanderbringen und zu einer lebensbedrohlichen Hypoglykämie führen.

Das ist der Grund, warum du Zuckerersatzprodukte wie Xylitol streng von deinen geliebten Vierbeinern fernhalten solltest. Achte auch darauf, dass du deine Backutensilien immer sehr sicher verstaust, schließlich findet ein cleverer Schnüffler manchmal Wege, um an das Unerreichbare zu gelangen.


Risk no. 3: Macadamia - An exotic but dangerous snack

The crunchy macadamia nut, exotic and a treat for us, should never find its way into the stomach of your four-legged friend. Although they contain healthy fats for us humans, they are a source of danger for dogs and cats. A small amount can be enough to cause symptoms such as:

  • Weakness,
  • Vomiting or worse
  • Paralysis. 


Risk no. 4: Christmas spices and plants - Hidden dangers in and around the bakery

Christmas spices such as nutmeg and plants such as poinsettias lend the festive season its characteristic magic. But be careful, they can also harm your pet! Nutmeg can cause hallucinations and abdominal pain in pets, while poinsettias can cause vomiting and even fatal poisoning if eaten.

So keep your Christmas specialties and decorations away from curious four-legged friends and you're sure to have a peaceful and happy holiday.