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How do you care for sensitive dog paws properly? - Tips for healthy paws

Have we ever really wondered how important paw care is for our dog? Paws are sensitive and deserve special care to prevent cracks and injuries. But how do we care for sensitive dog paws properly? In this article, we have compiled some effective tips for regular care that will ensure your dog's well-being.

In summer, pellets and foreign objects can damage the pads, while in winter snow and road salt irritate the skin. Careful paw care is therefore essential. These products keep the paws supple and protect them from external influences. Regular claw trimming is also important, as claws that are too long can disrupt your dog's movement and cause pain.

Let's delve a little deeper into the subject and make sure your dog's paws are optimally protected at all times of the year.

What makes dogs' paws sensitive?

Some factors make your dog's paws particularly sensitive. Rough terrain, extreme weather conditions and allergies often play a significant role. In winter, snow and road salt can irritate the pads, while in summer granules and foreign bodies can cause irritation. Excessive licking can also lead to problems and significantly affect your dog's well-being and mobility.

Paw care is therefore essential to prevent cracks and injuries. Regular cleaning, careful trimming of claws and the use of nourishing products such as Vaseline and milking grease help to keep your dog's paws supple and healthy. Gentle treatments are crucial to avoid pain and protect the paws optimally. With a consistent grooming routine, you can ensure that your dog stays active, healthy and completely happy.

Why do sensitive paws need special attention?

Why do your dog's paws need special care? Neglected paw problems can quickly lead to painful infections and reduced mobility - and nobody wants that for their faithful companion. Preventative measures are therefore essential. Specialised paw care products such as balm help to keep the pads supple and resistant. Regular claw trimming also prevents movement problems from developing.

Make sure to carefully clean your dog's paws of road salt, granules and foreign objects after walks. Such small but important things can make a big difference to your dog's health.

With the right care, your dog will stay active and happy and can run through life carefree.

5 top tips for caring for sensitive dog paws

Caring for sensitive dog paws doesn't have to be complicated - with these five simple tips, you can make sure your four-legged friend's paws stay in tip-top condition:

  1. Gentle washing: Clean your dog's paws regularly and gently to remove dirt, salt and other irritants that may be irritating the sensitive skin on the pads and between the toes.

    Start with lukewarm water to gently remove dirt and debris from your dog's paws. Make sure to clean the pads thoroughly but gently - avoiding harsh detergents as they can irritate sensitive skin.

    Use a soft towel to gently pat the paws dry. Then apply a nourishing paw balm to keep the skin supple and well protected. This routine becomes surprisingly easy if you integrate it regularly into your daily routine.

  2. Use care products: After cleaning, it is advisable to apply a special paw care product to keep the skin supple and resilient. These products help to prevent dryness and cracks.

    Well thought-out care not only prevents dryness and cracking, but also provides effective protection against external influences such as rough terrain and extreme weather conditions. Regular use of paw balm or special creams keeps your dog's pads supple and resilient so that they remain healthy even under demanding conditions.

    How do you choose the right care product? Make sure it contains natural ingredients that nourish the skin without clogging the pores. A high-quality paw balm can easily be applied two to three times a week and will quickly become part of your dog's routine.

  3. Protection with dog shoes: In both hot summer and icy winter, dog shoes offer excellent protection against extreme temperatures and rough terrain.

    Avoid walks at midday and always check the ground with the palm of your hand before you set off. Dog boots are a smart investment, especially for sensitive paws - they offer protection and prevent burns on hot tarmac.

    In winter, however, the cold and road salt pose particular challenges. What can you do? Paw balm works wonders here by keeping the skin supple and resistant.

    And what about Vaseline and milking fat? These products can clog the pores and should therefore be avoided. Instead, look out for special paw care products that are tailored to your dog's needs. Also keep an eye on your dog's toes to recognise and treat potential problems at an early stage.

  4. Regular claw trimming: Make sure you trim your dog's claws regularly to prevent movement problems and keep their paws healthy. Claws that are too long can not only cause injuries, but also impair your dog's gait. Regularly checking the length of the claws, ideally during weekly brushing, is therefore essential.

    Trimming the hair between the toes is essential to avoid matting and prevent foreign bodies from entering. This simple but effective measure makes a significant contribution to keeping your dog's paws clean and healthy.

    The hair between the toes is best trimmed with small, sharp scissors - a small exercise that makes a big difference. Who would have thought that such small steps could make such a big difference?

  5. Vet visits for injuries: If you notice persistent redness, swelling or bleeding when grooming your dog's paws, it is essential to visit the vet immediately. Such symptoms can indicate serious problems that should not be ignored. Don't delay, because the longer you wait, the greater the risk of unexpected complications.

    It's amazing how quickly minor injuries can worsen. Our faithful companions are masters at hiding their pain, so we often don't realise how much they are suffering until it's too late.

    Are you unsure? It's better to visit the vet once too often than once too little. Your attention to paw care can make all the difference. Imagine how relieved you'll be when you find out that everything is fine.

These tips will make paw care a breeze - and ensure that your dog stays active, healthy and happy.

How to protect paws in summer and winter

In summer, there are many dangers lurking for your dog's sensitive paws, especially hot surfaces such as tarmac, sand or concrete, which can become extremely hot under the scorching sun. How can you help your dog avoid these heat traps? Firstly, it is advisable to avoid walks during midday when the sun is at its highest. The best time for walks is early in the morning or later in the evening when temperatures are cooler.

A simple test will help you check the safety of the ground for your dog: Place the palm of your hand on the floor for a few seconds. If it gets uncomfortably hot for you, the ground is also too hot for your dog's paws. In such cases, dog boots are a wise investment. These little boots not only protect against burns, but also against sharp objects or rough surfaces that could injure your dog's pads. Dog boots are particularly valuable protection for dogs with sensitive paws, making it easier for them to walk on hot ground and preventing burns.

In winter, on the other hand, the combination of cold and road salt poses a particular challenge for your dog's paws. A high-quality paw balm can work wonders by keeping the skin supple and protecting it from the drying and irritating effects of salt and cold. This balm forms a protective barrier on the pads, preventing the skin from becoming cracked and brittle.

After every walk in winter, you should take the time to wash your dog's paws thoroughly. Why is this so important? The salt that is spread on the roads in winter can irritate your dog's skin and cause inflammation. By washing your dog's paws, you not only remove the salt, but also any small stones or dirt that may have become lodged in the paws. This ensures that your dog's paws remain clean and healthy and prevents painful inflammation and injuries.

Which paw care mistakes are particularly common?

An often overlooked mistake is ignoring small cracks in the paws. These tiny cracks may seem insignificant at first, but they can quickly worsen and lead to serious problems such as infection or painful inflammation. The use of inappropriate grooming products is also a common problem. Products that have not been specially developed for dogs can dry out the sensitive skin of the paws and impair natural thermoregulation - a condition that is particularly problematic in extreme weather conditions.

To avoid such mistakes, it is important to use paw care products that have been specially developed for dogs. These products are designed to care for the skin of the paws and at the same time maintain their natural protective barrier. Regular checks of the paws and claws should also be part of the routine. A quick look after every walk can help to recognise small changes or signs of injury at an early stage and react accordingly.

Especially in summer, when the heat heats up the ground, it is important to protect your dog's paws from burns. Paw care is not only a question of hygiene, but also of your dog's well-being and health. By paying attention to the right products and taking small warning signs seriously, you can help keep your dog pain-free and happy - every step of the way.

Why is prevention better than treatment?

If your dog's paws are regularly cared for, you can nip many problems in the bud. Good paw care means much more than just occasional cleaning - it's an essential contribution to your dog's well-being. How can you implement simple prevention strategies that make an amazing difference?

Start with regular inspections to recognise minor cracks, foreign bodies or signs of irritation at an early stage. Use special care products that keep the skin supple and protect it from external influences. These small but important steps can keep your dog's paws healthy in the long term.

In summer, it's especially important to protect your dog's paws from hot tarmac. Dog booties are an excellent way to protect sensitive paws from burns. Alternatively, you can protect the skin with a paw balm, which forms a barrier against heat and cares for the skin at the same time.

Why not start today? A consistent grooming routine will ensure your dog's well-being and prevent unnecessary pain. By looking after the health of their paws, you ensure that your dog can explore the world happily and carefree.