Exciting facts about your dog's teeth
Exciting facts about your dog's teeth Dog teeth in detail ! Whether your dog greets you happily, yawns extensively or barks loudly , in all of these cases his...

Dogs in Winter: 5 Tips for the Cold Season
Dogs in Winter: 5 Tips for the Cold Season Snowy , icy and cold ; the right care makes the difference! Thanks to their thick fur, most dog breeds In winter, d...

Tooth root infection in dogs Tooth root inflammation is a major problem in animal dentistry. In most cases, unfortunately, it can only be treated surgically. In today's...

Interesting facts about teething in dogs
Interesting facts about teething in dogs The change of teeth in dogs can be very varied. In today's blog post, we will explain how your dog's teeth are changing, when y...

Holger Schüler: Guy with beard and dog helps with dog training
Characteristic guy with a beard and a dog helps with dog training; that is probably the best way to describe the character and work of Holger Schüler. With his direct, blunt ...

Cat Teeth 5 Facts You Should Know
Cat Teeth 5 Facts You Should Know How well do you know your cat's teeth ? Did you know that you can tell your cat's age by looking at its teeth? Do you know why c...

Dog fur: coat change and coat care
Dog fur : coat change and coat care Depending on the breed, dogs have different needs when it comes to grooming. The coat change is not the same for every breed. While...

Treating skin problems caused by grass mites in dogs
Treating skin problems caused by grass mites in dogs Ticks, fleas and mites are among the pests that every dog owner is familiar with. In addition to severe itch...

Tartar in cats – what helps? If your cat already has a massive buildup of tartar , a trip to the vet is unavoidable. But how can you prevent tartar from forming in ...

Wobbly dog teeth - and what they mean
Loose dog teeth that fall out If your dog's teeth are wobbly or even falling out, your dog appears to have serious periodontal problems. Teeth start to wobble when the b...

Our emmi®-Steri UV-C-LED for disinfection
Disinfection of all animal utensils Protect yourself and your pet from bacteria and germs. Our new emmi®-Steri UV-C LED ensures lightning-fast disinfection of the toothbrush and th...

Do cats need dental care? We are often asked the question: do cats need dental care? Is Brushing Cats' Teeth necessary? Clear answer: Yes, cats also need regular dental care. It is ju...

Alternatives to brushing your dog’s teeth?
Alternatives tom brushing your dog's teeth? Anyone who brushes their dog's teeth is often looked at askance or laughed at, because for many people this form of animal love goes too ...

Prevent gingivitis in dogs With proper and professional dental care, gingivitis can also be avoided in dogs. Just like with humans, gingivitis is a very painful issue for your dog. H...

Wobbly dog teeth - and what they mean
Loose dog teeth that fall out If your dog's teeth are wobbly or even falling out, your dog appears to have serious periodontal problems. Teeth start to wobble when the b...

Natural Parasite Defense in Dogs
Natural Parasite Defense in Dogs Mites, fleas, ticks and insects often scare away the summer for our four-legged friends. Not only humans are becoming more sensi...

Dental diseases and dental illnesses in cats often progress gradually. It is not uncommon for dental problems in cats to be diagnosed during another examination. In particu...

Poor dental hygiene in dogs and the consequences
Poor dental hygiene in dogs and its consequences Regular checks of your dog's teeth are essential. Misaligned teeth or very stubborn milk teeth as well as other...

Recognizing Toothache in Dogs 4/4
Toothache diagnosis and treatment by the veterinarian The treatment of dental problems, injuries and diseases in dogs is now carried out at a very high level. Similar to hum...

teething in cats Cats are predators and rely on very strong teeth. Even if your house cat doesn't have to work for its own food, flawless teeth play an important role in its ...

Tips for proper paw and coat care
Tips for proper paw and skin care for dogs Have you noticed that your dog licks its paws or even nibbles on its claws? Then it is high time to look into the topic of...

Teething in cats – when kittens learn to bite Cats are originally predators with very strong teeth. Perfect teeth are not only important for cats that live in the...

Recognizing toothache in dogs 3/4
The dental inspection by the dog owner – Part 3/4 In previous blog posts, we have already reported on toothache in dogs and how to recognize toothache in dogs. In today...

Why are healthy teeth so important?
Why are healthy teeth so important? Bad teeth are not only for us humans a painful matter . Even in our four-legged friends, unhealthy teeth can cause severe pain. This...