Feeding dogs properly to avoid dental problems
Unfortunately, dental problems in dogs are not that rare. Around 80% of all dogs over the age of three have tooth or gum disease*. This ranges from unpleasant From bad breath to tart...

Why the emmi®-pet is the perfect Christmas gift
It's that time again. Christmas is fast approaching and you still have to buy lots of presents. Have you thought about your four-legged friend? After all, you don't want them to go a...

What does a dog's teeth look like?
Please open your mouth and say "Ah." The teeth are your four-legged friend's most important tool. A dog's teeth differ from those of humans in many ways. So if you want to take optim...

Which chew snacks for dogs help with tartar
That would be the perfect solution! Remove tartar from your dog by simply throwing him a few treats. You don't have to laboriously brush your darling's teeth, he gets a few snacks, y...

Do chew toys help against tartar?
Dog dental care has many different aspects. On the one hand, you can use the latest technology such as emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush effectively combats plaque and thus prevents ta...

Tartar prevention – is a toothbrush enough for dogs?
Tartar is a problem for humans and animals: it causes unpleasant bad breath and can cause painful inflammation of the gums. The first step towards prevention is very simple: get a ...

Brush your dog’s teeth properly – with the dog toothbrush
You finally have it in your hands: your new dog toothbrush. You now know that brushing your dog's teeth makes sense and protects him from many nasty secondary diseases and various vi...

Teething in puppies: What should you keep in mind?
Teething in puppies is a critical time in your dog's development. However, some dog owners barely notice this process and then become very worried when their little ones become ill o...

What to do if your dog has inflamed gums?
If your dog has inflamed gums, you should act quickly. Depending on the severity, more intensive treatment by a veterinarian may be necessary. Find out here how to recognize inflamed g...

5 great tips for your dog – brushing teeth made easy
Your dog doesn't like having his teeth brushed and you don't know how to teach him? With a little patience and training, you can teach any dog to brush his teeth, even if he isn't ...

Dog Toothpaste: Why the Right Toothpaste is Essential
We all know that brushing your teeth is extremely important to protect your own health. Many people have also learned that their dog needs regular brushing. But choosing the right do...

Gingivitis in dogs and possible secondary diseases
Similar to humans, the Dental care for dogs extremely important and even fundamental to ensure the animal's long-term health. This is why gingivitis in dogs, as a symptom of potential dental...

If your dog has tartar, it is difficult and often painful and expensive to get rid of it. The best thing to do is to prevent your dog from getting tartar in the first place. Here you can fin...

Why rosewood sticks help with dog dental care
A simple rosewood sticks can effectively support you in caring for your dog's teeth and helps you protect your dog from tartar, periodontal disease and tooth decay - problems that 80% of all...

Why is the ultrasonic toothbrush useful for dogs?
Many people are now aware of the benefits of this innovative dental care. But we often forget an important group for the ultrasonic toothbrush: dogs. Our four-legged friends can re...

Why does my dog have bad breath?
There is nothing more fun than cuddling with your pet. There is little that spoils the fun, except perhaps an unpleasant smell. Many pet owners have come to terms with the fact that ...

Brushing your dog's teeth? Why it's worth it!
What? Now I have to brush my dog's teeth too? Often enough I can hardly motivate myself to do it. Admittedly, many people probably react that way. However, there are solid reasons wh...

Healthy teeth in dogs: essential basis for dog health
Healthy teeth are of immense importance to humans - and the same is true for dogs. Dental health is an important indicator of your four-legged friend's general health. Dental diseases such a...

Brushing your dog's teeth? The idea seems strange to many pet owners, even if they regularly brush their own teeth. But they take it for granted that their pets can get by without a toothbru...

For the health of your four-legged friend: the best dental care for dogs
Dogs' teeth require just as much care as humans'. Dental diseases such as caries and especially periodontitis plague dogs as much as their owners. Bad breath and tartar are just the beginnin...

The latest generation of electric toothbrush for dogs: emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush
The more thorough the animal's dental care, the better for its health. What has a positive effect on human dental health also has advantages for four-legged friends. Brushing the dog's teeth...

dog toothbrush with ultrasound
Catching and chewing food – these are the two main tasks that a dog’s teeth perform. The animal’s teeth are therefore vital for survival, even if it no longer has to hunt for its food when i...

When they are puppies, most dogs have sparkling white teeth that have not yet developed tartar. But without adequate dental care, this condition can change quickly. Veterinarians point out t...

Brushing teeth is not only necessary for humans, but also for your beloved four-legged friend. Without thorough dental care, bacteria find ideal conditions in your dog's mouth. Tartar can de...