
Tipps für harmonisches Zusammenleben von Hund und Katze

Tips for harmonious coexistence of dog and cat

As you know, dogs and cats are among the most popular pets in Germany. Most people prefer one of the two. But some people would like to own both animals. The fact that dogs and cats don't ge...

KatzenblogErbrechen bei Katzen richtig deuten und behandeln

Correctly interpreting and treating vomiting in cats

As a loving cat owner, you naturally always want the best for your furry friend. Unfortunately, cats also often vomit and feel unwell. This worries us owners a lot. In today's blog post, we'...

HundeblogGesunder Hund: Warum Bewegung wichtig ist!

Healthy Dog: Why Exercise is Important!

If you integrate a dog into the family, you certainly want your animal to have as good a life as possible and to feel comfortable. Your dog should not only be happy, but also healthy. You ca...

Hundeblog5 Tipps für gesunde Haustiere

5 Tips for Healthy Pets

More than 35 million pets live in Germany. Dogs and cats are ranked first and second among the favorite animals. In today's blog post, we'll explain how you can keep your pet healthy for a l...

KatzenblogKatze frisst nicht mehr richtig

Cat no longer eats properly

Is your cat no longer eating properly or has suddenly stopped eating? Then you should definitely keep an eye on it, because a lack of appetite is always a sign that something is wrong. In th...

HundeblogSonnenbrand beim Hund erkennen und vermeiden

Recognizing and avoiding sunburn in dogs

Most of us love summer! It seduces us with beautiful weather and promises lots of outdoor fun. But as beautiful as summer is, the heat is not always healthy. You should avoid the sun with yo...

HundeblogHund und Katze fördern die menschliche Gesundheit

Dogs and cats promote human health

It is no longer a secret: Pets promote health. More than 30 million dogs and cats perform therapeutic work every day. Whether as a social partner for lonely people, as a four-legged family m...

HundeblogInternationaler Katzentag am 08.08.2022

International Cat Day on August 8, 2022

On 08.08. we will again celebrate the International Cat DayThis day can also be safely called the mother of all cat holidays - or World Cat Day. In today's blog post, we explain why we celeb...

HundeblogHecheln bei Hund und Katze

Panting in dogs and cats

Have you ever wondered why dogs and cats pant? Is it a disease or is panting normal and harmless in cats too? In today's blog post we will explain why dogs and cats pant and what it means. ...

HundeblogOhrenentzündung beim Hund: Erste Hilfe!

Ear infection in dogs: first aid!

The ear infection in dogs is not a trivial matter, but it can be treated relatively easily. You are certainly very happy when your four-legged friend is healthy and happy. However, if an ear...

HundeblogErste Hilfe bei Bissverletzungen unter Hunden

First Aid for Dog Bite Injuries

As a dog owner, you are certainly familiar with disputes in the area. The more dogs there are in an area, the more often disputes can arise. bite and scratch injuries are often the result an...

HundeblogStumpfes Fell bei Hund und Katze

Dull fur in dogs and cats

A shiny coat not only looks beautiful, but also looks well-groomed. Many people associate a shiny coat with a dog or cat enjoying excellent health. This often leads to the The condition of t...

HundeblogSchwimmtraining für Hunde

swimming training for dogs

Swimming training for dogs is always suitable if your dog is afraid of water and wants to become a water rat. But targeted swimming training with your dog can be beneficial not only in these...

HundeblogTag des Hundes am 12.06.2022

Dog Day on June 12, 2022

This year, too, June 12, 2022 is Dog Day Although there are many other occasions that you can celebrate with your dog, Dog Day is a very special day for you and your dog. After all, Dog Day ...

HundeblogGiftige Pflanzen für die Katze

Poisonous Plants for Cats

Green plants in the home, both indoor and garden plants, have a calming effect. Who would want to live without plants and lush greenery? They create a homely atmosphere and improve the indoo...

HundeblogArthrose bei Katzen vorbeugen und richtig behandeln

Preventing and properly treating osteoarthritis in cats

osteoarthritis is one of the typical diseases of old ageOsteoarthritis is a joint disease which degenerative, i.e. irreversible. In most cases, osteoarthritis manifests itself through pain, ...

HundeblogFeinde im Fell: Wurmbefall bei Hund und Katze

Enemies in the fur: worm infestation in dogs and cats

We love our dogs and cats. They are our best friends. What we don’t love, however, are the invisible creatureswhich they occasionally carry in their fur. Worms in Dogs and Cats are anything ...

HundeblogHund und Katze im Frühling: Von der Allergie bis hin zur Zecke

Dogs and cats in spring: From allergies to ticks

Every season has its own special features, We find spring particularly beautiful ! But besides all its beauty, spring also has its pitfalls, which dog and cat owners prepared must be...

HundeblogTiergerüche entfernen und vermeiden

Remove and avoid animal odors

Our beloved Four-legged friends enrich our lives every day . They value us, give us joy and ensure our well-being . Depending on the type of pet, they live very close to us. Some of ...

HundeblogKatzen machen glücklich

Cats make you happy

For a long time it was the dog owners who special relationship and bond between humans and animals for themselves. Cat lovers sometimes had no choice but to accept this fact and trus...

HundeblogVierbeiner im Winter: Pfoten schützen

Four-legged friends in winter: Protecting paws

Especially now in the cold season, frozen paths, snow and ice can paws of your pet to hit hard. Brittle and cracked paws often affect the well-being and make every trip in the fresh ...

HundeblogSchnee und Eis trotzen: Hund und Katze im Winter

Defying snow and ice: dogs and cats in winter

It is winter, even if it doesn’t seem that way anymore. Perhaps soon a snowy winter landscape to linger in the clear and fresh air. As the outside temperatures drop, the chances of seeing the whit...

KatzenblogFitness mit Katze – So hältst du deine Hauskatze fit

Fitness with Cats – How to Keep Your Housecat Fit

You want your Keep your house cat fit ? Then in today's blog post we have valuable tips for you on how to bring a little more energy into your cat's life. Learn the promote your cat's natural inst...

KatzenblogKatze hat Mundgeruch

Cat has bad breath

Your Cat has bad breath ? Bad breath in cats can have many causes. In most cases, Problems with the gums or teeth are the reason In addition to dental problems, however, metabolic or...