Dog pool – the perfect way to cool down for your four-legged friend in summer
A dog pool, provides perfect cooling in high temperatures. You probably know the feeling: It is summer, the temperatures are rising and your dog is looking for a opportunity to cool offThere...

Coat change in dogs and cats: everything you need to know
As you know, the shedding is a natural and important process in the life of dogs and cats. It ensures that they lose old fur and the new, healthy fur grows backIn this blog article, y...

Recognizing and preventing vitamin deficiencies in dogs and cats
Dogs and cats are among the most popular pets. If they are healthy, we humans are well too. If they are not so well and they suffer from a deficiency, we are doing everything we can to get o...

Ear mites in dogs: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention
With the arrival of spring, nature comes to life and it is the perfect time to spend more time outdoors with your dog. Unfortunately, however, spring can also bring an increased risk for ear...

Grass mites in dogs and cats in spring
Finally, spring is here and the sun is higher in the sky again. Dogs and cats can hardly wait to romp around outside again to enjoy nature. But be careful, because with the warmer season com...

Preventing tartar: remedies for tartar in dogs
If you have a dog, you probably already know how important it is to keep him healthy. But did you know that your dog's health depends not only on his physical fitness, but also on his oral h...

Did you know that there are dentist practices in the USA that provide their anxious patients with dogs to cuddle in order to take away their fear of treatment? Although this method is not ye...

FORL in Cats - Everything You Need to Know
Today we would like to talk to you about a disease that is very common in cats: FORL. FORL stands for "Feline Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesions“ and refers to a Dental disease in your cat, wh...

Dental health in dogs: How to keep your four-legged friend fit
You love your dog and want to do everything you can to give him a healthy life. An important aspect of this is dental health. Many caries-like diseases and tartar buildup, deposits and plaqu...

When Cats Lose Their Milk Teeth
Have you brought a kitten into your life and want to do everything you can to ensure its healthy development? Then follow today's blog post to find out everything you need to know. Dental ca...

When Puppies Lose Their Milk Teeth: Everything You Need to Know
You have brought a puppy into your life and want to do everything you can to ensure that it develops healthily. An important aspect of your dog's physical health is dental care. Because your...

Dog is sick: go to the vet immediately or wait?
Have you ever asked yourself when you should go to the vet straight away and which symptoms mean you can wait until you see them? It can be a heavy blow if your beloved dog suddenly becomes ...

You are wondering what to do gingivitis in your dog? The causes of gingivitis are varied, but in most cases they originate from bacterial plaqueIn today's blog post, we will explain what can...

Have you ever heard that your dog's mouth is significantly less contaminated with germs than your own mouth? This statement is not true. It is more likely that most people cannot become infe...

6 expert brushing tips for healthy teeth and gums in your dog
Did you know that an estimated 8 out of 10 dogs suffer from gum disease by the age of three, which can lead to tooth loss? Pet teeth have a lot to do, because dogs in particular use their mo...

7 Tips: Dog and Cat on New Year's Eve
New Year's Eve is colorful and loud. For your pets, the turn of the year often means one thing above all: stress. Anxious, nervous and tense, many four-legged friends don't know how to deal ...

Senior Cat: Problems of Old Age
Do you share your household with a senior cat? Do you carry out regular mouth checks, as is recommended for older cats? This will help you detect gingivitis or broken teeth early on. In addi...

Periodontal disease in dogs and cats
Just like humans, your dog or cat can also develop periodontitis. This disease in dogs and cats is also better known as periodontal disease. Periodontal disease can be very painful for any a...

There is a lot for your dog to discover on a walk in the autumn. He loves to roll around in the colourful autumn leaves or dig in the damp forest floor. In the wet season, you should pay par...

Halloween is not necessarily considered a dog-friendly event among dog owners. In today's blog post, we explain how you You can spend Halloween relaxing with your dog. We give you valuable t...

Despite thick fur, dogs and cats also have skin problems
As a pet owner, you have certainly noticed that many dogs and cats have serious skin problems However, the most common skin diseases include allergies, which can manifest themselves through ...

Checklist - Is my animal healthy?
If you have a dog or cat at home, it is important that you keep a close eye on their health. As soon as you notice any changes in their behavior or appearance, you should take them to the ve...

Dogs are versatile and make everyday life easier
Dogs have been loyal companions to humans since time immemorial. Over many centuries, this friendship has developed into a social relationship and in some cases even established itself as a ...

Catnip: Beloved plant, but why?
Do you have a cat? Then you certainly know about the phenomenon of catnip, not to be confused with cat grass. But what exactly is catnip and why is it so popular? Most cats like catnip. It h...