
GPS Tracker für Hund und Katze: Mehr als nur ein Trend

GPS Tracker for Dogs and Cats: More than just a Trend

The fear of losing a beloved pet is all too familiar for many pet owners. But with the introduction of GPS trackers for dogs and cats There is an innovative way to reduce this concern. Find ...

HundeblogEntspannt durch den Herbst mit Hund und Katze

Relaxing through the autumn with dog and cat

The golden autumn is just around the corner. While you are looking forward to cozy evenings and the rustling of colorful leaves, you may be wondering: How do I optimally adjust my pet's diet...

HundeblogSpaß und Gesundheit für Hunde- und Katzenbesitzer im Sommer

Fun and Health for Dog and Cat Owners in Summer

Summertime is the best time to enjoy the sun and nature with our beloved four-legged friends. In today's blog post you will find the 10 Best Summer Activities for Dog and Cat Ownersthat are ...

KatzenblogPflege und Gesundheitskontrolle von Katzen im Freigang

Care and health checks of outdoor cats

Cats are very popular pets that make all of our lives richer and more lovable. The best combination is the so-called outdoor cats, who live with their owners in an apartment but can go outsi...

HundeblogSchwimmen & Wasserspiele für Hunde und wasserliebende Katzen - Tipps, Tricks und Ideen für unvergessliche Wasserabenteuer!

Swimming & water games for dogs and water-loving cats - tips, tricks and ideas for unforgettable water adventures!

Water activities are not only great fun for humans, our four-legged friends can also enjoy a refreshing cool down on warm days. In today's blog post you will learn all about Swimming and wat...

HundeblogDie Top 10 Filme, in denen eine Katze mitspielt –perfekt für Katzenliebhaber und Familien

The Top 10 Movies Featuring a Cat – Perfect for Cat Lovers and Families

In today’s blog article we present you 10 films in which a cat plays the main role plays, that you must see. Whether you have a cat yourself or are just a cat lover – these Films are for all...

HundeblogHund und Katze vergesellschaften: So gelingt das Zusammenleben

Socializing dogs and cats: How to make them live together

In today’s blog post we explain how you Socializing dogs and cats Here you will find valuable tips to make the coexistence of dogs and cats harmonious and stress-free. Getting to know your...

HundeblogZahngesundheit bei Haustieren: Gesundheit beginnt im Maul

Dental health in pets: Health begins in the mouth

Nowadays, the dental health in pets a very high priority. While in the past nobody was interested in it, nowadays people pay a lot of attention to oral hygiene. Thanks to modern technology a...

KatzenblogTipps und Tricks, um das Trinkverhalten von Katzen zu verbessern

Tips and tricks to improve the drinking behavior of cats

If you are a cat owner, then you know that cats drink very little. This can often lead to health problems, as the bladder and kidneys are often undersupplied. Knowing that a cat needs around...

HundeblogGesunde Ernährung für Hund und Katze

Healthy Nutrition for Dogs and Cats

Even though it used to be very different, pets are now part of the family and are treated as full members of the family. They live in the house just like us and often even share our bed. We ...

HundeblogEntspannt mit guten Vorsätzen ins neue Jahr

Relaxed with good intentions into the new year

General New Year's resolutions don't just apply to people. Animals can benefit from them too. If you want to start the New Year relaxed with your dog or cat, you should focus on their health...

HundeblogAb 22. November neue Gebührenordnung für Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte (GOT)

New fee schedule for veterinarians (GOT) from 22 November

If you have pets, you have certainly heard that a new fee schedule for veterinarians will come into force at the end of November 2022. This means that prices will rise, especially for routin...

Hundeblog3 Dinge, die eine Haustierversicherung abdeckt, die dich überraschen!

3 things pet insurance covers that will surprise you!

Before you adopt a dog or a cat, you should consider the costs of keeping one. Not only do food and care incur monthly costs, but potential health problems can also quickly add up to horrend...

HundeblogUrlaub mit Hund und Katze: Das solltest du beachten!

Holidays with dogs and cats: What you should keep in mind!

If you traveling with your pet, there are a few things to consider or plan before you go on holiday. Unlike a spontaneous short trip alone, you should prepare for the Preparing for a vacatio...

KatzenblogMundgeruch bei der Katze: Ursachen, Behandlung und Prophylaxe

Bad breath in cats: causes, treatment and prevention

Bad breath in cats is a common problem, which many animals suffer from. Although the velvet paws are very clean, they often have bad breath, which is particularly noticeable when cuddling or...

HundeblogWie alt sind Katzen und Hunde in Menschenleben?

How old are cats and dogs in human life?

Today we would like to tell you about the Conversion of the age of cats and dogs into human years. This conversion helps us to better understand how our pets age and what this means for thei...

HundeblogFellwechsel bei Hund und Katze: Alles, was du wissen musst

Coat change in dogs and cats: everything you need to know

As you know, the shedding is a natural and important process in the life of dogs and cats. It ensures that they lose old fur and the new, healthy fur grows backIn this blog article, y...

HundeblogVitaminmangel bei Hund und Katze erkennen und vermeiden

Recognizing and preventing vitamin deficiencies in dogs and cats

Dogs and cats are among the most popular pets. If they are healthy, we humans are well too. If they are not so well and they suffer from a deficiency, we are doing everything we can to get o...

HundeblogGrasmilben bei Hund und Katze im Frühjahr

Grass mites in dogs and cats in spring

Finally, spring is here and the sun is higher in the sky again. Dogs and cats can hardly wait to romp around outside again to enjoy nature. But be careful, because with the warmer season com...

KatzenblogFORL bei Katzen - Alles, was du wissen musst

FORL in Cats - Everything You Need to Know

Today we would like to talk to you about a disease that is very common in cats: FORL. FORL stands for "Feline Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesions“ and refers to a Dental disease in your cat, wh...

HundeblogWann Katzen ihre Milchzähne verlieren

When Cats Lose Their Milk Teeth

Have you brought a kitten into your life and want to do everything you can to ensure its healthy development? Then follow today's blog post to find out everything you need to know. Dental ca...

Hundeblog7 Tipps: Hund und Katze an Silvester

7 Tips: Dog and Cat on New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve is colorful and loud. For your pets, the turn of the year often means one thing above all: stress. Anxious, nervous and tense, many four-legged friends don't know how to deal ...

KatzenblogSeniorenkatze: Probleme des Alters

Senior Cat: Problems of Old Age

Do you share your household with a senior cat? Do you carry out regular mouth checks, as is recommended for older cats? This will help you detect gingivitis or broken teeth early on. In addi...

HundeblogZahnbetterkrankung bei Hund und Katze

Periodontal disease in dogs and cats

Just like humans, your dog or cat can also develop periodontitis. This disease in dogs and cats is also better known as periodontal disease. Periodontal disease can be very painful for any a...